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Sonu Kumar Kushwaha
Sonu Kumar Kushwaha

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Complete list of Markdown syntax

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows users to easily format text for web content, without needing to know complex HTML tags or coding.

Created by John Gruber in 2004, Markdown has become a popular choice among bloggers, writers, and developers for creating clean, easy-to-read content.

Headers: Use one or more hash symbols (#) at the beginning of a line to create headers of different sizes.

Emphasis: Surround text with asterisks (*) or underscores (_) to create italicized or bold text.

Links: Surround the link text with square brackets [] and the link URL with parentheses ().

Images: Similar to links, but with an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning.

Blockquotes: Use a greater-than symbol (>) at the beginning of a line to create a blockquote.

Lists: Use hyphens (-), plus signs (+), or asterisks (*) at the beginning of a line to create unordered lists, or use numbers to create ordered lists.

Code blocks: Indent lines by four spaces or surround the code with three backticks `.

Inline code: Surround code with a single backtick (`).

Task lists: Use hyphens (-), followed by brackets [] containing an x for a completed task or a space for an incomplete task, followed by a space and the task description.

Strikethrough: Surround text with two tilde symbols (~).

Autolinks: Wrap URLs or email addresses in angle brackets (< >).

Escaping characters: Use a backslash () in front of a character to escape it and include it as regular text.

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