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Syed Mohammed Faham
Syed Mohammed Faham

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Framer Motion + React: A Complete Beginner's Guide 2024

Do you want to give your React apps more life? Framer Motion is the only place to look! With the help of this robust, open-source framework and its user-friendly API, you can produce fluid, production-ready animations. Framer Motion gives you the ability to improve your user interface and experience regardless of your level of experience as a React developer. Numerous UI libraries, such Magic-UI and Aceternity, use framer motions internally.

Why Framer Motion?

Web animation may look scary. Conventional approaches frequently require distinct libraries and intricate programming. Framer Motion removes these obstacles by combining to React with ease. What distinguishes it is as follows:

  • Easy to understand and intuitive: Smoothen the learning curve by defining animations with obvious props.
  • Pre-defined Variants: For effective development, create reusable animation states.
  • Support for Gestures: Include interactive animations that play when a user taps or hovers over an object.
  • Performance-focused: With features like lazy loading, Framer Motion puts performance first.
  • Production-Ready: Used by industry leaders, ensuring stability and reliability.

Getting Started with Framer Motion

Ready to dive in? Let's get your React project set up for animation magic!

  1. Installation: Install Framer Motion using npm or yarn:
npm install framer-motion
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  1. Import the Library: Import the motion object from Framer Motion into your React component:
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
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Basic Animation with motion Component

The core of Framer Motion is the motion component. It wraps your existing React components and allows you to define animations with props:

import { motion } from "framer-motion";

function MyComponent() {
  return (
      animate={{ scale: 1.2 }} // Defines animation on scale property
      transition={{ duration: 1 }} // Sets animation duration to 1 second
      This text will scale up on render!
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In this example, the motion.div component animates the scale property to 1.2 (20% larger) with a duration of 1 second.

Power Up with Variants

Variants are pre-defined animation states in Framer Motion. They promote code reusability and maintainability:

const variants = {
  hover: { scale: 1.1 },
  tap: { scale: 0.9 },

function MyComponent() {
  return (
    <motion.div variants={variants} whileHover="hover" whileTap="tap">
      This text reacts to hover and tap!
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Here, we define variants for hover and tap interactions. Then, we apply them to our motion.div using variants prop. The whileHover and whileTap props specify which variant to use on each interaction.

Exploring More Features

Framer Motion offers a rich set of features beyond the basics. Here are some to explore:

  • Gesture Animations: Create interactive experiences with whileHover, whileTap, whileDrag, etc.
  • Transitions: Fine-tune animation behavior with properties like duration, delay, and easing.
  • Stagger Children: Animate child elements sequentially with a delay between each.
  • Animate Presence: Manage animations for components entering and exiting the viewport.

Learning Resources

Ready to unleash your animation skills? Here are some fantastic resources to explore:


Framer Motion empowers you to create delightful animations that enhance your React applications. Framer Motion continues to be a cornerstone for creating dynamic and engaging user interfaces in 2024. With its intuitive API and powerful features, it's the perfect tool to add that extra layer of polish and user engagement. So, dive in, experiment, and bring your UI to life with smooth, performant animations!

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