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Odumosu Matthew
Odumosu Matthew

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Mastering Email Address Validation in JavaScript

Validating an email address in JavaScript involves using regular expressions to check if the email address follows a specific pattern. Here's a comprehensive explanation along with code blocks to demonstrate the process:



  1. We start by defining a regular expression pattern emailPattern using the /pattern/ syntax. This pattern follows the general structure of an email address.

  2. The pattern uses character classes and quantifiers to match various parts of an email address:

  • [a-zA-Z0-9._-]matches the local part of the email address (before the "@"symbol), allowing letters, numbers, dots, underscores, and hyphens.

  • @[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\. matches the "@" symbol and the domain part of the email address (after the "@" symbol), allowing letters, numbers, dots, and hyphens.

  • [a-zA-Z]{2,4} matches the top-level domain (TLD) of the email address, allowing 2 to 4 letters (e.g., com, org, io).

  1. The validateEmailfunction takes an email address as input and uses the test method of the regular expression pattern to check if the email matches the pattern. It returns true for a valid email and false otherwise.

  2. In the example usage section, we provide an email address to the validateEmailfunction and check if it's valid or not. The console.log statements display the result.

Keep in mind that while this regular expression provides a basic validation, no email validation is foolproof due to the complexity of email standards. You might consider using more robust validation libraries or server-side validation for critical applications

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Credit: Graphics sourced from Edureka

Top comments (4)

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle • Edited

Be careful with which assumptions you bring to regular expressions. I have a domain name with the TLD .space, which is valid, but will fail in your regular expression since it’s five characters. IPv6 addresses are valid in email as well.

Additionally, domain names are increasingly inclusive of utf-8 wide characters, so you may have some issues since your regex is exclusive to 7-bit ascii characters.

Finally, email addresses can include +, and the spec also has allowances for comments as well as human-readable names.

It’s not important to have your regex account for every contingency, but you should be clear about limitations.

In production applications it’s usually a bad idea to roll your own validation for complex formats like this. You’d be better served adopting a validation library which already addresses all of the edge cases that could chase good-faith users away.

iamcymentho profile image
Odumosu Matthew

Absolutely, Mike! You bring up some important points about the limitations of regular expressions for email validation. It's crucial to be aware of these considerations to ensure that our validation processes are accurate and inclusive. While regular expressions can serve as a starting point, they might not cover all the diverse cases that real-world email addresses can have. Adopting established validation libraries that handle complex scenarios and edge cases is definitely a wise approach. Thanks for highlighting these aspects! 👍

franckpaul profile image
Franck Paul

You know that, for example, the local part allows far more than your code valid?
Here is a (small) list of valid email, check the 4th one which is not validated by your code:

You should check the RFCs about this topic and will see that validating an email address is far more complicated than that!

iamcymentho profile image
Odumosu Matthew

You're absolutely right! Validating email addresses is indeed a complex task that goes beyond the basic regular expression used in the example. The examples you provided highlight the diversity of valid email address formats that might not be covered by a simple regex. Factors like subdomains, IP addresses, special characters, and even internationalization make email validation much more intricate.

The regular expression provided in the article serves as a basic demonstration, but real-world email validation requires a more robust approach that considers the nuances outlined in the RFCs. Thanks for emphasizing the importance of checking the standards and considering the intricacies of email validation. It's a valuable reminder that email validation is not a one-size-fits-all task!