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Richard Umoffia

A well-bearded gentleman of some sort.

Location Nigeria Joined Joined on  Email address github website twitter website


Full stack developer

Seven Year Club
Writing Debut
Six Year Club
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
How to properly manage migration files

How to properly manage migration files

Comments 5
1 min read

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How to merge a specific commit into another branch

How to merge a specific commit into another branch

Comments 11
2 min read
How to create a custom context menu for your web application

How to create a custom context menu for your web application

Comments 13
3 min read
Getting started with tailwindCSS in your Angular project

Getting started with tailwindCSS in your Angular project

3 min read
Lazy loading images in your angularJS project using the IntersectionObserver API

Lazy loading images in your angularJS project using the IntersectionObserver API

Comments 1
3 min read
Compressing your web app's images using the tinyJpg API.

Compressing your web app's images using the tinyJpg API.

3 min read