DEV Community

Ignacio Rodríguez
Ignacio Rodríguez

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Introducing "The Poller": Our Answer to Efficient PR Reviews


Hey DEV folks! So, my colleague and I brewed something exciting, and I can't wait to spill the beans. Ever felt drowned in PRs, especially during Hacktoberfest? That's where our baby, "The Poller", comes into play. Joining DEV has always been about community and sharing for me, and this year, it feels even more special with what we've crafted.

The Backstory

Hacktoberfest has been my playground for a few years. Each time, it’s a new journey, a fresh challenge. And like all journeys, there are bumps on the road. One such bump? Juggling through PRs and deciding which one to review. That’s when the light bulb flashed – why not create a tool to make this smoother?

Meet "The Poller"

This year, instead of just contributing, we decided to give back in a different way. Enter "The Poller", our nifty React app. It plays nicely with the GitHub API, helping you cherry-pick the PRs you want to review. We imagined a tool that removes the clutter, especially during the PR avalanche in Hacktoberfest.

What makes it even cooler? "The Poller" is open-source! Got an idea to jazz it up? Found a quirky bug? Jump into our GitHub repository and join the party. We're all ears for feedback and looking forward to some great collaborations.

Ready to give it a spin? Dive in here and share your thoughts!

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