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Go: Provide automated tested examples for your documentation!


You can provide example usage of your code which will be tested with go test -v. Imagine you have this really cool function:

// YourFunction will return "good output" no matter what.
func YourFunction(someInput string) string {
    return "good output"

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Add a function in your package's _test.go file:

func ExampleYourFunction() {
    result := YourFunction("some input")
    // Output: wrong output
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Notice the Example* prefix of the function name. Now if you run go test -v it should break, because the output is wrong!

$ go test -v

=== RUN   ExampleYourFunction
--- FAIL: ExampleYourFunction (0.00s)
good output
wrong output
exit status 1
FAIL    example        0.978s
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Now change it to "good output":

func ExampleYourFunction() {
    result := YourFunction("some input")
    // Output: good output
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Now run it again:

$ go test -v       
=== RUN   ExampleYourFunction
--- PASS: ExampleYourFunction (0.00s)
ok      integers        0.366s
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Detailed explanation

You can provide examples for your code which will be tested, you can see it with go test -v.

  1. Create a new directory integers
$ mkdir integers
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  1. Init our new go module (not required)
$ go mod init integers
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  1. Create a new file integers.go and put this function inside which we will test (I recommend you to type it instead of copy just for the sake of exercising your muscle memory)
package integers

// Multiply takes two integers and returns their product
func Multiply(x, y int) int {
    return x * y

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  1. Examples are living along with the automated tests in the _test file, create a new integers_test.go file and type your example for the function:
package integers

import (

func ExampleMultiply() {
    product := Multiply(3, 3)
    // Output: 8

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  1. You may already noticed but the // Output: 8 is not the result this function will return, this is exactly what we wanted: to have something that breaks. Let's check it ourselves:
$ go test -v
=== RUN   ExampleMultiply
-------- FAIL: ExampleMultiply (0.00s)
exit status 1
FAIL    integers        0.878s
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We intentionally implemented it in a way to actually see it fail, but normally after a refactor you simply run your tests and go test will take care about the examples you provided. Now let's correct our mistake!

  1. Fix the output and run your tests again:
func ExampleMultiply() {
    product := Multiply(3, 3)
    // Output: 9
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$ go test -v
=== RUN   ExampleMultiply
-------- PASS: ExampleMultiply (0.00s)
ok      integers        0.880s
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  1. Now let's see how does this look in the documentation. Run godoc to see it troubleshooting:
$ godoc -http :8000
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Now navigate to the documentation: http://localhost:8000/pkg/integers/

alt text

Amazing! Right? You have an example which is also a test, and even if you intentionally implement API breaking changes (which we obviously try to avoid) than you will see that you have to change your documentation.

I hope you enjoyed it! Here are the sources:

  1. I learned this from the Learn go with tests book, I highly recommend to read it!
  2. If you are interested in more detailed examples, check The Go Blog: Testable Examples in Go


In Go 1.14+ godoc is no longer included, you may have to install it directly:

$ go get
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Latest comments (2)

shindakun profile image
Steve Layton

Nice post!

hzoltan profile image

Hey Steve! Thanks for the feedback!