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Issue in deletion function in Linked list using file handling in C++

Hi, I am having an issue while creating the del() function(for deleting node) for linked list in C++. I have tried several methods to create the function but none of them is working, I have given the code below along with its output, let me know if you can help me.

class Node {
    string NAME;
    string MEANING;
    char INITIAL;
    Node* link;

    Node() {

class LinkedList {
    Node* head, * tail, * current, * temp;
    LinkedList() {
        head = NULL;

    void InsertAtTail(char initial, string name, string meaning) {
        if (head == NULL) {
            head = new Node;
            head->INITIAL = initial;
            head->NAME = name;
            head->MEANING = meaning;
            head->link = NULL;
            tail = head;
        else {
            temp = new Node;
            temp->INITIAL = initial;
            temp->NAME = name;
            temp->MEANING = meaning;
            temp->link = NULL;
            tail->link = temp;
            tail = temp;

    void display() {
        Node* current = head;
        while (current != NULL) {
            cout << "Name: " << current->NAME;
            cout << "\tMeaning: " << current->MEANING << endl;
            current = current->link;

    void search(string n) {
        Node* current = head;
        while (current != NULL) {
            if(n == current->NAME){
                cout << "Name found in database!"<<endl;
                cout << "Name: " << current->NAME;
                cout << "\tMeaning: " << current->MEANING << endl;
                current = current->link;
                current = current->link;

    void add(char i, string n, string m) {
        Node* current = head;
        while (current != NULL) {
            if(i == current->INITIAL){
                temp = new Node;
                temp->INITIAL = i;
                temp->NAME = n;
                temp->MEANING = m;
                current->link = temp;
                temp->link = current->link;
                current = current->link;

    void del(string n) {
        Node* current = head;
        Node* temp = NULL; 
        if (current != NULL && current->NAME == n){
            temp->link = current->link;
            while (current != NULL && current->NAME != n) {
                temp = current;
                current = current->link;

                /*if(current->NAME == n){
                    Node* temp = current;
                    current = current->link;
                    //current->link = current;
                    current = current->link;*/

int main() {
    LinkedList list;
    fstream boys("boys.txt", ios::in);
    string name, meaning;
    char initial;
    while (boys >> name >> meaning >> initial)
        list.InsertAtTail(initial, name, meaning);
    return 0;
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The output is

Name: Aaidan    Meaning: Young
Name: Aamir     Meaning: Civilized
Name: Aaron     Meaning: Enlightened
Name: Abbas     Meaning: Lion
Name: Abeer     Meaning: Scent
Name: AbuZar    Meaning: Rich
Name: Adeel     Meaning: Moderate
Name: Afan      Meaning: To_Forgive
Name: Ahmad     Meaning: Noble
Name: Ahnaf     Meaning: Narrator
Name: Ahsan     Meaning: Superior
Name: Ali       Meaning: Lion
Name: Amir      Meaning: Prince
Name: Ammar     Meaning: Pious
Name: Ansar     Meaning: Helpful
Name: Aqib      Meaning: Successor
Name: Arafat    Meaning: Mount_Of_Recognition
Name: Arbaaz    Meaning: Eagle
Name: Arham     Meaning: Mercy
Name: Arman     Meaning: Wish
Name: Arsal     Meaning: Sent_One
Name: Arsalan   Meaning: Lion
Name: Arshman   Meaning: Pride_Of_Sky
Name: Aryan     Meaning: Warrior
Name: Asad      Meaning: Fortunate
Name: Asal      Meaning: Honey
Name: Asghar    Meaning: Smaller
Name: Ashar     Meaning: Wise
Name: Ashir     Meaning: Wealthy
Name: Askari    Meaning: Legions
Name: Athar     Meaning: Pure
Name: Atif      Meaning: Compassionate
Name: Aun       Meaning: Helper
Name: Baqir     Meaning: Genius
Name: Barir     Meaning: Faithful
Name: Basil     Meaning: Brave
Name: Basim     Meaning: The_smiling_one
Name: Basit     Meaning: One_Who_Enlarges
Name: Bilal     Meaning: Moistening
Name: Burhan    Meaning: Proof
Name: Danish    Meaning: Intellect
Name: Dayyan    Meaning: Revenger
Name: Faheem    Meaning: Judicious
Name: Faiz      Meaning: Triumphant
Name: Faraj     Meaning: Cure
Name: Farhan    Meaning: Laughter
Name: Faris     Meaning: Perspicacity
Name: Farjad    Meaning: Excellent
Name: Faseeh    Meaning: Ample
Name: Fawad     Meaning: Heart
Name: Fida      Meaning: Sacrifice
Name: Furqan    Meaning: Evidence
Name: Ghazanfar Meaning: Brave
Name: Ghazi     Meaning: Conqueror
Name: Habib     Meaning: Loved
Name: Hadi      Meaning: Leader
Name: Haider    Meaning: Virtuous
Name: Hammad    Meaning: Admirable
Name: Hamza     Meaning: Competent
Name: Hanif     Meaning: True_Believer
Name: Haris     Meaning: Vigilant
Name: Hasan     Meaning: Gentle
Name: Haseeb    Meaning: Elderly
Name: Hashir    Meaning: Collector
Name: Hayyan    Meaning: Lively
Name: Hesham    Meaning: Brave
Name: Hunain    Meaning: Valley
Name: Hur       Meaning: Fair
Name: Husnain   Meaning: Elegant
Name: Hussain   Meaning: Good
Name: Huzaifa   Meaning: Wise
Name: I�bad   Meaning: Servants
Name: Idris     Meaning: Instructor
Name: Imad      Meaning: Faith
Name: Imran     Meaning: Happiness
Name: Irfan     Meaning: Thankfulness
Name: Ismail    Meaning: Heard_by_God
Name: Jafar     Meaning: Rivulet
Name: Jawad     Meaning: Generous
Name: Jazib     Meaning: Absorber
Name: Jibran    Meaning: Changer
Name: Junaid    Meaning: Warrior
Name: Kaab      Meaning: Honorable
Name: Kabeer    Meaning: Elderly
Name: Kafeel    Meaning: Sponsor
Name: Kaif      Meaning: Pleasure
Name: Kashan    Meaning: Lucky
Name: Kashif    Meaning: Reveler
Name: Khabeeb   Meaning: Smart
Name: Khizar    Meaning: Green
Name: Kiyan     Meaning: Existence
Name: Maaz      Meaning: Refuge
Name: Maheer    Meaning: Bold
Name: Mahir     Meaning: Skilled
Name: Manaf     Meaning: Negator
Name: Masab     Meaning: Rewarded
Name: Mohsin    Meaning: Humanitarian
Name: Moosa     Meaning: Moses
Name: Mujtaba   Meaning: Selected
Name: Murtaza   Meaning: Favorite
Name: Muzzammil Meaning: Wrapped
Name: Naif      Meaning: Stable
Name: Naqi      Meaning: Pure
Name: Owais     Meaning: Fearless
Name: Paras     Meaning: Touchstone
Name: Qamber    Meaning: Salve
Name: Qasim     Meaning: Divider
Name: Raza      Meaning: Contentment
Name: Rehan     Meaning: Scented
Name: Roomi     Meaning: Citizen
Name: Saad      Meaning: Felicity
Name: Sahil     Meaning: Riverbank
Name: Sahir     Meaning: Wakeful
Name: Saif      Meaning: Sword
Name: Sajid     Meaning: One_Who_Prostrates
Name: Salah     Meaning: Goodness
Name: Salar     Meaning: Leader
Name: Salman    Meaning: Companion
Name: Sameer    Meaning: Jovial
Name: Shabbeer  Meaning: Social
Name: Shahan    Meaning: Profit_maker
Name: Shahroz   Meaning: Lavish
Name: Shahrukh  Meaning: Monarchy
Name: Shahzad   Meaning: Prince
Name: Shahzain  Meaning: Skillful
Name: Shayan    Meaning: Worthy
Name: Shehryar  Meaning: King
Name: Sheraz    Meaning: Loving
Name: Sherjeel  Meaning: Spark
Name: Shuja�  Meaning: Courageous
Name: Sohaib    Meaning: Sandy
Name: Sohail    Meaning: Ease
Name: Suleman   Meaning: Security
Name: Tabish    Meaning: Warmth
Name: Taha      Meaning: Pure
Name: Tajammul  Meaning: Dignity
Name: Talha     Meaning: Fruitful
Name: Taqi      Meaning: God_Fearing
Name: Turab     Meaning: Ground
Name: Ubaid     Meaning: Faithful
Name: Umair     Meaning: Life
Name: Usama     Meaning: Lion
Name: Uzair     Meaning: Helper
Name: Wajeeh    Meaning: Eminent
Name: Wali      Meaning: Governor
Name: Waqas     Meaning: Solider
Name: Wasif     Meaning: Definition
Name: Yasir     Meaning: Wealthy
Name: Yawar     Meaning: Adjutant
Name: Yazdan    Meaning: Merciful
Name: Yureed    Meaning: Optation
Name: Yusuf     Meaning: Power
Name: Zafer     Meaning: Help
Name: Zahid     Meaning: Devout
Name: Zaid      Meaning: Growth
Name: Zain      Meaning: Adornment
Name: Zargham   Meaning: Lion
Name: Zarrar    Meaning: Strict
Name: Zawar     Meaning: Pilgrimages
Name: Zayan     Meaning: Graceful
Name: Zimar     Meaning: Nice
Name: Zohaib    Meaning: Leader
Name: Zubair    Meaning: Firm
Name: Zuhayr    Meaning: Sparkling
Name: Zulfiqar  Meaning: Cleaver
Name: Zunair    Meaning: Shine
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The Name Ali is still appearing the list. I don't know why delete function isn't working...
Kindly help me getting the function work...

Top comments (2)

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

It seems to be a forward-only linked list. Boy, I haven't done C++ in a decade.

By examining the IF before the while I see you use temp to save the next link after the one about to be deleted. It is good that you do that, but it isn't good that you do it with temp because temp is NULL.

Yes, you need 2 pointers, but you're doing it incorrectly. To make the surgery, you need a pointer pointing to the one that is previous to the one being deleted, so you can do previous->link = current->link;. Apply this logic inside the while loop. As you currently have the loop, it does nothing. It just stops when the name is found and that's it.

szabgab profile image
Gabor Szabo

Welcome to DEV!

You could get syntax highlighting for your code-snippet and make it more readable by adding the language after the opening triple backticks. In this case it would be cpp:

class Node {
    string NAME;
    string MEANING;
    char INITIAL;
    Node* link;

    Node() {
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