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Phạm Đức Huy

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Answer: What is the correct XPath for choosing attributes that contain "foo"?

Answer: What is the correct XPath for choosing attributes that contain "foo"?

1 min read

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Answer: Laravel grouped collection returns object instead of array

Answer: Laravel grouped collection returns object instead of array

1 min read
Answer: Vue.js Force computed properties to recompute?

Answer: Vue.js Force computed properties to recompute?

1 min read
Answer: Javascript: highlight substring keeping original case but searching in case insensitive mode

Answer: Javascript: highlight substring keeping original case but searching in case insensitive mode

1 min read
Answer: Passing parameters to middleware in Laravel

Answer: Passing parameters to middleware in Laravel

1 min read
Answer: Save and restore a cmder tabs session?

Answer: Save and restore a cmder tabs session?

1 min read
Answer: How to get value from external website while the value is set by javascript in that site

Answer: How to get value from external website while the value is set by javascript in that site

1 min read
Answer: Using Blade/Mustache templating mixing Laravel and Vue.Js

Answer: Using Blade/Mustache templating mixing Laravel and Vue.Js

1 min read
Answer: Why a variable defined global is undefined? [duplicate]

Answer: Why a variable defined global is undefined? [duplicate]

1 min read
Answer: Null is given when trying to find data from pivot table

Answer: Null is given when trying to find data from pivot table

1 min read