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ConsoPY - A terminal like python program

ConsoPY ? Yh its a program which acts like a console .
So lets start with a preview !

It have some utility commands which can be used in the console .

Now its only supported in Windows.

I have included a batch file , an exe file and the main python file in Github repo . Use any of these methods to use ConsoPY

GitHub logo httpanand / ConsoPY

A terminal like python program

Available Commands

  • date - Shows current date
  • python - Execute a python file
  • list - List current directory
  • color - Changes text color
  • ipc - Returns IP and HOSTNAME
  • spec - System specifications
  • gendir - Generate a new directory
  • exit - Exits this program
  • cpu? - Returns current CPU usage
  • ram? - Returns current RAM usagee

NB: This is not a GUI app.

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