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HTML Tamizhan
HTML Tamizhan

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New features in CSS for 2023 ?

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a styling language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language. It is most commonly used with HTML and XHTML to create the layout and visual design of web pages.

With CSS, you can control things like the font and color of text, the spacing between elements, the background images or colors used on a page, and the overall layout of the page. You can also create complex animations and transitions, and make your page responsive to different screen sizes.

CSS works by matching elements in an HTML or XML document with a set of style rules. The rules are defined in CSS stylesheets, which are separate files that are linked to the HTML document. When a browser renders the HTML, it applies the styles defined in the stylesheets to the corresponding elements in the HTML.

Some of the most recent updates to CSS include things like the :is() pseudo-class, which allows you to apply styles based on the state of an element, and the :where pseudo-class which allows you to select elements based on their relationship with other elements.

There are also several new units of measurement, such as the ch and rem units, which allow you to specify sizes in relation to the size of the font in use.

Additionally, new media query features like prefers-reduced-motion and prefers-color-scheme is being used to style the website for different preference for user accessibility.

Another feature that is currently in development is the :focus-visible pseudo-class, which allows you to style elements that have keyboard focus in a different way from those that have been clicked on with a mouse.

You may also see improved layout functionality, like Grid layout, Flexbox and Multi-column layout have been widely supported and used.

It is also worth noting that CSS is a living language, and its development is an ongoing process. New features are constantly being proposed and considered, so it's likely that there will be additional updates and improvements in the future.

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