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common error code prefixes in ASP.NET

Here’s a more comprehensive and organized list of common error code prefixes used in ASP.NET Core and related libraries, particularly in areas like authentication, authorization, and identity management:

1. IDX (Identity Model Errors)

  • Purpose: Relates to identity, token validation, and cryptographic operations, particularly in the Microsoft IdentityModel libraries used for handling JWTs, OAuth, OpenID Connect, etc.
  • Examples:
    • IDX102: Errors related to token validation.
      • IDX10223: Signature validation failed.
    • IDX105: Errors related to token processing.
      • IDX10501: Token has expired.
      • IDX10503: Signature validation failed due to an invalid key.
    • IDX106: Errors related to token lifetime validation.
      • IDX10634: Token has an invalid lifetime.
    • IDX208: Errors related to metadata retrieval.
      • IDX20803: Unable to retrieve metadata.

2. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Errors)

  • Purpose: Deals with cross-origin requests and related security policies.
  • Examples:
    • CORS: General errors related to CORS policy enforcement.
      • CORS1000: CORS policy error, such as disallowed origin or method.

3. AUTH (Authentication Errors)

  • Purpose: Generic authentication errors, often tied to the ASP.NET Core Authentication middleware.
  • Examples:
    • AUTH0001: Failed to authenticate the user due to missing credentials.
    • AUTH1001: Unauthorized access attempt detected.

4. SEC (Security Errors)

  • Purpose: Broad category for security-related errors, including encryption, decryption, and secure data handling.
  • Examples:
    • SEC0001: Encryption operation failed.
    • SEC1001: Decryption key is invalid or missing.

5. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language Errors)

  • Purpose: Errors related to SAML authentication, commonly used in Single Sign-On (SSO) scenarios.
  • Examples:
    • SAML1001: SAML assertion is invalid or malformed.
    • SAML2002: SAML response signature is invalid.

6. OPENID (OpenID Connect Errors)

  • Purpose: Errors related to the OpenID Connect protocol, often involving identity providers (IdPs).
  • Examples:
    • OPENID2001: Failed to retrieve OpenID Connect metadata.
    • OPENID3001: Invalid OpenID Connect token received.

7. JWT (JSON Web Token Errors)

  • Purpose: Specifically deals with JWT processing and validation.
  • Examples:
    • JWT1001: JWT is malformed or contains invalid claims.
    • JWT2001: JWT signature validation failed.

8. HTTP (HTTP Protocol Errors)

  • Purpose: General HTTP protocol-related errors, often seen in web API contexts.
  • Examples:
    • HTTP400: Bad request error, indicating the request could not be understood or was missing required parameters.
    • HTTP401: Unauthorized error, indicating authentication is required but missing or failed.

9. ENT (Entity Framework or Data Layer Errors)

  • Purpose: Errors related to data access, particularly when using Entity Framework or similar ORM tools.
  • Examples:
    • ENT1001: Database connection failed.
    • ENT2001: Entity not found or query returned no results.

10. CONFIG (Configuration Errors)

  • Purpose: Errors related to application configuration, including app settings, connection strings, etc.
  • Examples:
    • CONFIG001: Missing required configuration section.
    • CONFIG1001: Invalid configuration value detected.

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