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Programming with Shahan for Horsecoder

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How can you learn to code and get a job?

If you want to learn how to code, you don't need a fancy degree or certificate – just grab a computer and get online.

Here's a simple PLAN that works:

  1. Stick with one course until you finish it. Don't hop around. Do your homework before picking your course.

  2. Every morning, spend 90 minutes learning. After breakfast, set a timer and watch your course. Try out the code they show you – it makes you feel like you're really doing something.

  3. Don't take breaks during your 90-minute session. Do some light exercises before you start to get your brain ready.

  4. After about 15-20 days, you'll feel more confident. Keep going, and after two or three months of steady work, think about looking for a job.

The first few days are tough, but once you get into the groove, it gets easier.


Top comments (2)

faatrader1 profile image

I would like to express my deep gratitude for sharing your valuable advice on how to learn programming and secure a job in the field. Your straightforward and motivational words provide a practical guide for those embarking on the journey into programming.

Sticking with a course until completion, without skipping steps, is invaluable advice that is often underestimated. Your emphasis on daily consistency, dedicating 90 minutes every morning to learning, underscores the importance of commitment and regular practice.

The suggestion to actively try out the presented code during the journey is particularly inspiring. This not only reinforces theoretical understanding but also provides a tangible sense of accomplishment, motivating learners to keep progressing.

The approach of not taking breaks during the learning session, coupled with light exercises to prepare the brain, shows a profound understanding of effective learning processes. Additionally, your suggested timeline of spending a few months focused on learning before seeking employment highlights the importance of building a solid skill foundation.

Your honesty in acknowledging that the first days are challenging but become easier over time provides encouragement and emotional support to beginners. This is a valuable reminder that the programming journey is a gradual progression, and persistence is key to overcoming initial obstacles.

Once again, thank you for sharing your experience and practical guidance. Your advice will serve as a beacon for many aspiring programmers, guiding them on the path to success in the programming career.

With gratitude,
Felismino Saide Augusto

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Thank you so much. Glad it helped you. You can learn programming 100% if you follow these steps. This is how I learned programming and I am a self-taught programmer :)