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Managing User Accounts and Groups in Linux

System AdministrationIn the realm of system administration, managing user accounts and groups is a fundamental task. This article delves into a Bash script designed to automate the creation of user accounts and their association with specific groups, a common requirement in dynamic environments such as software development teams. The script not only streamlines the setup process but also ensures security practices by generating random passwords for each user.

The Script at a Glance
Link to code repository
This Bash script reads a text file containing usernames and group names, creates the users and groups, sets up home directories with appropriate permissions, generates random passwords, logs all actions to a log file, and stores the generated passwords securely.
Step-By-Step Explanation

  1. Input Validation and Set Up Image description

The script starts by checking if an input file is provided. If not, it exits with a usage message.

  1. File and Directory Preparation

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It creates the necessary directories and files, setting appropriate permissions to ensure security.

  1. Logging Function
    Image description
    This function logs messages with timestamps, aiding in tracking script actions.

  2. Password Generation
    Image description
    A function to generate random passwords using /dev/urandom.

  3. User and Group Creation Loop
    Image description
    Image description
    This loop reads the input file line by line, processing each username and associated groups.

  4. User and Group Handling
    Image description
    The script checks if a user already exists, creates a personal group, adds the user, and sets up the home directory.

  5. Password Assignment
    Image description
    A random password is generated and assigned to the user, then stored securely.

  6. Additional Group Assignments
    Image description
    The script adds the user to any additional groups specified in the input file, creating groups if they don't exist.

By following this guide, you can effectively manage users and groups on your system, enhancing both efficiency and security.
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