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Cover image for Dev Tool: A CLI tool for generating certificates
Dishant Gandhi
Dishant Gandhi

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Dev Tool: A CLI tool for generating certificates

Being a workshop organizer and YouTuber means we have to deal with developer community everyday. Everyday I learn new things, recently when I organized a workshop on CSML: Language to build chatbots thought to develop a tool which helps to generate certificates for attendees. Isn't this cool!?

So, how to use it?
First, clone the repo by clicking here
git clone

After installing, just go to your directory where your template certificate is and name excel sheet is. Navigate to your terminal/command prompt and follow below steps:

$ certi-builder build
certificate image path: <your path>
Excel file path:  <your path>
Text color: Hex color code E.g #000000
Font file path: <your path> Please use ttf fonts
Font size: Int E.g 10
Output location:  <your path>
X location: X-axis coords, These you can find in paint
Y location: Y-axis coords, These you can find in paint
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If you want attendees name to be bold then follow below steps:

$ certi-builder build --bold
certificate image path: <your path>
Excel file path:  <your path>
Text color: Hex color code E.g #000000
Font file path: <your path> Please use ttf fonts
Font size: Int E.g 10
Output location:  <your path>
X location: X-axis coords, These you can find in paint
Y location: Y-axis coords, These you can find in paint
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Upcoming features

  • Support for different kind of files for name extraction
  • Different kinds of text formatting E.g Italic, Underline
  • AI recognization for replacing name in certificate

Some of them are already in development by few contributors

Since, it is Hacktoberfest you can contribute too!
Something made by meπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

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