IAM: Identity and Access Management Global Service
some AWS services need to perform actions on your behalf. to do so, you assign permissions to AWS services with IAM Rols.
A statement in an IAM policy consist of Sid, Effect, Principal, Action, Resource and condition.
Group only contain Users.
a user can contain to multiple group.
Groups comes with custom permition.(with JSON document that you can call it)
How to Run IAM
Access management> users
Creating user
- Name it/ give a password
- I want to create an IAM user
- Autogenerated password and check users must create a new password
Create a group
- name it
- give a premission eg: Administor___provides full access
- add the user into group
With creating "Account Alias" you can simply sign in URL
Premission Policies
Access managment> Policies
On the Policies section click on "Create policy"
you have two option to create policy: visual and JSON
we use visual
- Choose a service: IAM
- Allowing actions: listUser and getUser
- Resowres: All
- choose a policy name and then create
If you go to user section, then chose a user you can give the policy to them.
Password Policy
configure password requirement:
Access managment> Account settings
on Account settings section click on "Edit"MFA
click on the name on top-rigt cornell
then click "Security credentials"
- Assign an MFA device
- give it a name, use the Authontication app
- Install Authontication app on your mobile phone then scan the QR code and then usse the code1 and code2 on the text box below.
- then you're good to go
How can users access AWS?
- AWS Managment console protected by password+MFA
- AWS Command line interface(CLI) protected by access keys
- AWS software Developer kit(SDK) for code: protected by access keys
Access keys are generated though the AWS console
a region to reminde: canada(central) ca-central-1
Creating access key:
access management> users
on the secion click on the name(eg:hootan)
scroll down
security credentials> create access key
click on command line
How to run access key?
first install aws cli on your computer
then run your terminal or cmd:
write: aws configure
then press ID and pass
press default region
output format is not matter
then write: iam list-users
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