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Setting Up Neovim with Windows Powershell

I decided to configure my Neovim since it didn't look good and I wanted to supercharge my experience on it with extensions. So, I configured it. Here's how to do that:

Installing Neovim

Unfortunately, you can’t install Neovim using the built-in windows package manager, winget. You have to install another package manager. You can use scoop or chocolatey. I think scoop is better so I’m gonna use Scoop.


>>> scoop install neovim
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


>>> choco install neovim
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

and there, you’re done. If you don’t know how to install scoop, go to Instantly, you will see the installation command. Make sure you are on Powershell! If you have the same problem with chocolatey, there’s an official tutorial here.

Setting up stuff

First, pull up the terminal. Make sure you are in no directory. Now, we’re gonna switch to the AppData directory using cd AppData. Now run cd Local to switch to the local directory. We’re gonna make a directory called “nvim” to store our config in it, and then switch to nvim.

# Change directory to "AppData"
>>> cd Appdata
# Change directory to "Local"
>>> cd Local
# Creates directory called "nvim"
>>> mkdir nvim
# Switches to "nvim" directory
>>> cd nvim
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

now that you’re in the nvim folder, create a file called init.vim . The first thing we’re gonna do is get Neovim to make that file and enter this command:

>>> nvim init.vim
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Setting Up config/init.vim

now, lets add some code in our init.vim

set number
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this will automatically run the command “set number ”. The set number command will show the line number. Now, to set a theme and install a filesystem, we need a plugin manager. For this, we’re gonna use vim-plug, an open-source popular vim and Neovim plugin manager/installer. We can install it by using this command in the official README of the project.

iwr -useb |`
    ni "$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim" -Force
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

now, if this is in a different directory, move it to your nvim directory. You can access it by pressing ⊞ + R. Now you’re at the run menu. Type in %AppData% . Now go to Local > nvim. Now go to the vimfiles folder installed and move the autoload folder into the nvim folder. Now copy and paste this config:

call plug#begin()
    Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
    autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
    Plug 'navarasu/onedark.nvim'
call plug#end()
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

and then open Neovim using the nvim command. Enter command mode by pressing esc . Now type in :PlugInstall . This will install all of the plugins in the init.vim . Now you’ve installed all of the plugins, go back to the init.vim file and type in colorscheme onedark. One dark is a theme inspired by the Atom theme, it’s now available for vim and Neovim. The other plugin is NerdTree, which is a thing that lets you see your files on the left side of Neovim. Now, back to the configuration. If this doesn’t work, close your terminal or reload your Neovim and then try again. Now, this is your full config:

call plug#begin()
    Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
    autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
    Plug 'navarasu/onedark.vim'
call plug#end()
colorscheme onedark
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And, you’re pretty much done now! This is what it should look like:


Top comments (4)

edsondsouza profile image
Edson Sooraj Dsouza

Awesome blog @hoo12f . I have watched dozens of YouTube tutorials and Blogs to setup neovim but always ended up getting errors. I randomly found your Blog and 'Voila!’ I was finally able to setup neovim in my windows system.
Thank You!

muinmundzir profile image
Muhammad Mu'in Mundzir

Going to try it, thanks!

sechvn profile image

I literally just created an account because of this superb perfect crystal clear walkthrough of how to setup neovim on Windows. Thank you!!

andowero profile image

Well actually, you currently (2023-03-27) can install neovim using winget.

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