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Default Lambda Parameters in C# 12

Title: Exploring the Power of Default Lambda Parameters in C# 12

C# has always been an evolving language, constantly introducing new features and enhancements to improve developer productivity. In the upcoming C# 12 release, a new feature called "Default Lambda Parameters" is set to make writing functions even more flexible and reusable. In this post, we'll dive into the concept of default lambda parameters and explore how they enhance code readability and enable efficient usage of lambdas.

Understanding Default Lambda Parameters:
Default parameters have been around in C# for a while, allowing developers to specify default values for arguments in methods. With the introduction of C# 12, this feature is extended to lambda expressions, further extending the flexibility of this powerful language construct.

The beauty of default lambda parameters lies in their capability to assign default values directly to lambda expressions, making them self-contained and reusable. This means that you no longer have to rely on external variables or explicitly define argument values every time you use a lambda expression.

Code Example - Applying Default Lambda Parameters:
Let's take a look at a practical example to demonstrate how default lambda parameters can simplify our code.

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Func<int, int, int> sum = (x, y = 5) => x + y;

        Console.WriteLine(sum(10));      // Output: 15
        Console.WriteLine(sum(10, 7));   // Output: 17
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In the above code snippet, we define a lambda expression sum that takes two integer arguments x and y, with y having a default value of 5. If y is not explicitly passed during the function call, it will automatically default to 5.

Benefits of Default Lambda Parameters:

  1. Enhanced Readability: By specifying default values directly within the lambda expression itself, the intention and behavior of the function become more apparent, reducing the need for external documentation or comments.

  2. Reusability: Default lambda parameters enable you to define reusable lambda expressions that can be used in various scenarios without the need for additional customization. This promotes code modularity and improves overall code maintainability.

  3. Simplified Function Flow: With default lambda parameters, you no longer have to worry about missing arguments or explicitly checking for null or empty values. The defaults take care of these edge cases, ensuring your code remains resilient and efficient.

In the upcoming C# 12 release, the addition of default lambda parameters empowers developers to write more concise, readable, and reusable code. This feature further strengthens the versatility of lambda expressions, providing a powerful tool for expressing complex logic in a concise manner. By leveraging default lambda parameters, C# developers can boost productivity, reduce boilerplate code, and build highly modular applications.

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