What is load balancing?
Load Balancers are servers that forward traffic to multiple backend or downstream EC2 instances or servers.
Why use a load balancer?
Spread load across multiple downstream instances
Expose a single point of access (DNS) to your application
Seamlessly handle failures of downstream instances because the load balancer will have some health check mechanisms.
Provide SSL termination (HTTPS) for your websites
Enforce stickiness with cookies
High availability across zones
Separate public traffic from private traffic
Why use an AWS Elastic Load Balancer?
An Elastic Load Balancer is a managed load balancer (AWS will be managing it - AWS takes care of upgrades, maintenance, HA - AWS guarantees that it will be working,...)
It cost less to setup your own load balancer but it will be a lot more effort on your end.
It is integrated with many AWS offering / services:
- EC2, EC2 Auto Scaling Groups, Amazon ECS
- AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), CloudWatch
- Route 53, AWS WAF, AWS Global Accelerator ## Health Checks
Health Checks are crucial for Load Balancers
They enable the load balancer to know if instances it forwards traffic to are available to reply to request.
The health check is done on a port and a route (/health is common)
If the response is not 200 OK, then the instance is unhealthy
Types of Load Balancer on AWS
AWS has 4 kinds of managed Load Balancers:
Classic Load Balancer - CLB (v1 - old generation): HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL (Secure TCP) (deprecated at AWS and will soon not be available in the AWS console)
Application Load Balancer - ALB (v2 - new generation): HTTP, HTTPS, Websocket
Network Load Balancer - NLB (v2 - new generation): TPC, TLS (Secure TCP), UDP
Gateway Load Balancer - GWLB: Operates at layer 3 (Network layer) - IP protocol
Some load balancers can be setup as internal (private) or external (public) ELBs
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