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Daily Blog Vol.3

My recent interests

Nowadays, I made a account for NISA . You might have already know about ISA . Since 1999, England government started for facilitating people who invest. And Japan, in Japanese meaning of it is NIHON , so initial is N . N + ISA = NISA. That's why we call it as a NISA . recently, I was interested in investment which isn't like gamble.
speaking As a young (but not young, not old) Japanese guy, Investment sounds like doubtful. I've heard fraud cases about ICO through articles or internet media or youtube. Last year, cryptocurrencies were so popular and it was spreaded
out on Japan.
I guess many people were interested in it. At the same time, ICO fraud cases had been occurred continually. Therefore I'm so interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I've never had it.
So, I've been reading articles about it and reading document of blockchain library such as web3.js .
Then, suddenly, I was starting thinking about my life. I like to develop, make app, keep catching up new technology, and something like that. but I'm kind of getting bored easily. Personally though, I was promoted music school, then graduated as a Associate degree. So, I was into composing music, gigging, playing instruments such as Guitar, Base, Drums and Keyboard. Totally about 8 years of my music career which is included hobby which is especially when I was high school student. This was proud of myself and never forget in my mind, but I suddenly quit everything because I got into web technology.
In conclusion, I might get board of developing suddenly when I come across of what I'm addicted. To know those of what cryptocurrency and investment made me grow up to me in the future probably. So, I'm getting caching up those things day by day slowly.

other thing of Javascript

I recently upgraded create-react-app to 2.0.4 from 1.x.x. Sometimes (not often, just sometimes), I read code which is its webpack config and inside of CRA. this is good to learn how to use webpack and configure webpack. code reading is really important for developer, especially internal of CLI should be helpful for you if you have to manage SPA environment application or complicated application.
Personally, when I use webpack, I write about webpack build or start server to package.json , but create-react-app's start script is node scripts/start.js .
This means that create-create-app invokes start script from scripts/start.js file by invoking node api. The thing is that inside of scripts.start.js is written about invoking webpack-dev-server, and some logic sequentially.
I didn't read deeply yet, so just that's it though.

So, today's myblog is done. see you tomorrow.

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