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Himanshu Gupta
Himanshu Gupta

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Html block vs inline vs inline-block

Block-level elements

In HTML, block-level elements are used to define the structure of web pages. They are called "block-level" because they create a block that takes up the full width available to them on the web page. Some of the most common block-level elements include:

div: The div element is a generic container that is used to group elements together and apply styles to them.

p: The p element is used to define a paragraph of text.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 : The heading elements are used to define different levels of headings.

ul: The unordered list element is used to define a bulleted list.

ol: The ordered list element is used to define a numbered list.

li: The list item element is used to define an item in a list.

table: The table element is used to define a table.

form: The form element is used to define a form for user input.

hr: The horizontal rule element is used to create a horizontal line.

header, footer, section, article, aside: The semantic elements are used to give meaning to the content on a web page, and to help search engines and other technologies better understand the content.

Block-level elements are typically used for larger pieces of content that need to be organized on a page, while inline-level elements are used for smaller pieces of content that are part of a larger block.

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inline-level Elements

In HTML, inline-level elements are used to define content that is part of a larger block. They are called "inline-level" because they flow within the surrounding text, and do not create a new line or block on the page. Some of the most common inline-level elements include:

span: The span element is a generic container that is used to apply styles to specific parts of text or other inline elements.

a: The anchor element is used to define a hyperlink, which can be clicked to navigate to a different page or location on the same page.

img: The image element is used to embed an image in a web page.

strong: The strong element is used to define text that should be displayed in a bold font.

em: The emphasis element is used to define text that should be displayed in an italic font.

code: The code element is used to define code snippets or programming code.

abbr: The abbreviation element is used to define an abbreviation or acronym.

cite: The citation element is used to define a reference to a work or source.

q: The quotation element is used to define a short quotation.

sup and sub: The superscript and subscript elements are used to define text that should be displayed above or below the baseline, respectively.

Inline-level elements are typically used for smaller pieces of content that are part of a larger block, such as links within a paragraph of text, or images embedded in a sentence. Block-level elements, on the other hand, are used for larger pieces of content that need to be organized on a page, such as paragraphs of text, lists, or tables.

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inline-block element

In HTML and CSS, an inline-block element is a hybrid of block-level and inline-level elements. It behaves like an inline-level element in that it flows with surrounding text, but it also behaves like a block-level element in that it can have padding, margins, and a specified width and height.

Some of the most common inline-block elements include:

button: The button element is used to define a clickable button on a web page.

input: The input element is used to create input fields for users to enter data, such as text, numbers, or dates.

select: The select element is used to create a drop-down list of options for users to choose from.

textarea: The textarea element is used to create a larger text input field for users to enter longer passages of text.

label: The label element is used to define a label for an input field or other form element.

img: The image element can be used as an inline-block element when it is given a specified width and height.

Inline-block elements are useful for creating components that need to be aligned horizontally with other inline-level elements, but also need to have a specific width, height, or padding. They can be styled using CSS, just like other HTML elements, to achieve a wide range of visual effects.

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