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Muhammad Hamza Hijazi
Muhammad Hamza Hijazi

Posted on

JavaScript Programming Problem 2

JavaScript Programming Problems Series

I started Programming test series where i will be sharing share commonly asked interview questions and my solution for JavaScript developers .

Problem # 2

Count the number of individual vowels in a given string

you are given a string, count and return the number of vowels used in that string. for example if string has a four times and e two times it must return

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My Solution

const vowelCount = (str)=>{
    str = str.toLowerCase().split("");
    const vowel = "aeiou";
    const obj = {}

    for(let wo of str){
    if(vowel.indexOf(wo) !== -1){
        if(obj[wo]) {
        obj[wo] ++
        else {
        obj[wo] = 1

return obj

vowelCount("3123dasds JJKH e o a eee iJ")
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Top comments (5)

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

I learn from wise guy: fun-fun-function reduce is a swish knife of functional programming, in this case:

[..."3123dasds JJKH e o a eee iJ"].reduce( 
 (coll, chr) => coll[chr] 
   ? {...coll, [chr]: coll[chr] + 1} 
   : {...coll, [chr]:1 }
, {});
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hijazi313 profile image
Muhammad Hamza Hijazi

this function is counting all alphabets in string.

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

you right!

to work with vowels need filter before this process:

const countChars =  
 (coll, chr) => coll[chr] 
   ? {...coll, [chr]: coll[chr] + 1} 
   : {...coll, [chr]:1 };

const vowels = "aeiouóöőüúűáé"; // hungarian vowels included

const filterWovels = chr => vowels.indexOf(chr) > -1;

const vowelCount = s => [...s.toLowerCase].filter(filterWovels).reduce(countChars, {});
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jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited
const vowelCount = s=>[...'aeiou'].reduce(
   (a,x)=>(c=(s.match(new RegExp(x,'gi'))||[]).length,{...a,...c&&{[x]:c}}),{}
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hijazi313 profile image
Muhammad Hamza Hijazi • Edited

Perfect <3