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Cover image for Handle protected page routes in NextJS using NextAuth
Hidayt Rahman
Hidayt Rahman

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Handle protected page routes in NextJS using NextAuth

For this article, we will use the middleware technique.

To use this functionality, you must have at least NextAuth.js 4.2.0 and Next.js 12 installed.


Let's configure the server by adding a new environment variable to the .env.local file.

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Create a Middleware

Create a file named middleware.js or .tsx in the src folder.

Note: if you don't have src folder create the middleware.js on the root folder

Lets add code for middleware

Protect all routes
Use the piece of code below to make all pages protected.

export { default } from "next-auth/middleware";
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Protect selective routes
Lets protect profile and posts route with the help of matcher. You can put the route based on your requirements

export { default } from "next-auth/middleware";

export const config = { matcher: ["/profile", "/posts"] };

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Protect routes inside directory
Lets protect all routes inside dashboard folder.

export { default } from "next-auth/middleware";

export const config = { matcher: ["/dashboard/", "/dashboard/:path*"] };

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Read more about matcher and NextAuth Middleware

Thats It!

Happy Coding!

Top comments (1)

abdurahman_ghazi profile image

thanks, Protect routes inside directory saved my time