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Discussion on: What are you glad you no longer use?

hi_artem profile image

Back in school I had a free student license, but after it expired the price was around $500-600 a year. It might be cheaper now.

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jakubriedl profile image
Jakub Riedl

You can use beta for free. Its called early access program (EAP) I used that more then a year and never had any issue that would affect my productivity or experience.

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yobretyo profile image

Ok, so is $25 a month good? Apparently it goes down the second month, or that might be if you pay by year all at once

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hi_artem profile image

$25 a month is definitely a great deal for JetBrains product

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steinbring profile image
Joe Steinbring

It seems like every meet-up I've ever been to has involved the give away of a free JetBrains key. If you don't want to pay for a key, go visit almost any meet-up group out there. ;)

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hi_artem profile image

Haha good to know! Will do.

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yobretyo profile image

What’s a meet-up?

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ • Edited

A meet-up is a place where other programmers go to hang out, pretend to talk to each other for a bit and then just do thier own work for a while before showing what they have done. It's basically an introvert party. This is all down to personal experience, your experience may differ.

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yobretyo profile image

ok, where can you find events for one?

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

steinbring profile image
Joe Steinbring

There is typically a focus for the individual meet-up group (JavaScript, C#, Vue.js, AWS, etc). They usually meet once per month in a company's (that financially sponsors the group) presentation space. There is usually free food and drinks (including beer if that is how the sponsor rolls). Each month's meetup starts with a presentation on a topic (something like "What's new in Vue 3") and then there is social time afterwards so that you can chat with like-minded folks.

It's called what it is because most of these groups organize on and I have never seen there be a cost to attend one but they usually have a jar out for donations ( charges a lot for a host account).
