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Python Facebook Posts Scraper with Requests and BeautifulSoup4

Hugo Sandoval on May 13, 2020

A few weeks ago I wrote about the Importance of using User Agents when we scrap data, and my examples shows the response from Twitter when we used ...
jazzman16 profile image

Hugo, this is great. When I run this, as is, I'm only getting about 6 posts. Is this normal? Also, how would you recommend I edit to search for group posts with a specific tag_id? I tried to rewrite a few lines to specify my url with "groups/{group_id}/post_tags/?post_tag_id={tag_ID}" but I was only ever brought to the group's standard timeline.

nassera2014 profile image

Hi, i had the same problem, when i run, i'm only getting 6 posts ! you resolved this ?
Thank you.

sis4insa profile image
sis4insa • Edited

Hello Every one I need for research purpose 100 users already posted text.Per user i need from 120 to 200 posted text.But this python code download only 5 days post.Can I use this code for this purpose pls help me I kill 2 month for this purpose.I need to download a specific users profile post text all

sis4insa profile image

please any one help me to this problem

menbiamel profile image
menbiamel • Edited

hello Hugo thanks for sharing this .am working on scraping facebook data but the facebook blocked my account several times . please make a video to help as to see how it works.
how many posts does it extract ?

hhsm95 profile image
Hugo Sandoval

The key to avoid being blocked is scrap slowly (about 3-5 between profiles) and use an User Agent like above (an old phone) that don't requires javascript so the detection is harder for Facebook.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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hhsm95 profile image
Hugo Sandoval

Hi, I'm not sure if I can post an email here, but ask me any issues in the Github project.

ds123 profile image
data science

getting error TypeError: 'module' object is not callable while running the code. What may be the problem ? Thanks in advance

rakshit888 profile image

same error

moukouba profile image


Could you please advise on how to build a scraper that extracts comments on a specific subject on Facebook?
Thanks for assisting.

hhsm95 profile image
Hugo Sandoval

Hi, the key to scraping on Facebook is the use of a User Agent from an old phone, as in this case use a Nokia C3. To extract the comments from the posts, it is necessary to enter the post and locate the CSS selectors that identify the comments, it is possible that I update the post adding this functionality.

nassera2014 profile image

Hi, Thank you for sharing this, that's works well, but when i run the program, i get just 6 posts from a facebook page? how can i get more posts ?
Thank you.

chalst1988 profile image
Surya Teja Challapalli • Edited

Hi @nassera2014

In order to get more number of posts I suggest to use Facebook_Scrapper Library where one can configure get_posts() with number of pages and posts per page to be scrapped. And by the way you could get all granular level info of reactions, like, comments, post_id, post date, etc.,

Please find the below link for your information,

omejiasq profile image

hello guys. Can i to use today this steps and code to download comments and post of facebook?

mezaouryounes profile image
Younes Mezaour

Hello :) thank you for this share, can you please tell me the equivalent of "post_url_text" for the French version?

thanks :)

benjaminbenteke profile image
Benjamin Benteke Longau

Hello Sir thank you for you tuto. How can we also collect for each post all comments, likens and number of share?