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Hugo Sandoval
Hugo Sandoval

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Easily deploy your Python Flask web apps online with Gitlab and Heroku

About the tools

We will start with a summary of the tools that we will use:

  • VS Code: Popular code editor.
  • Flask: Small web server that we can set up with little code.
  • Gunicorn: A simple WSGI HTTP Server in which we can mount Flask.
  • Postman: An easy platform to test our Rest APIs.
  • Gitlab: Version control service in the cloud and DevOps integration.
  • Heroku: Platform that allows us to upload projects and deploy them online.

What do we need?

  • Create your web app with Flask.
  • Prepare your project repository with Gitlab.
  • Create an account in Heroku.

Configuring our project: Flask and Gunicorn

In this section we gonna prepare our Flask app, the Heroku deploy file and the Gitlab CI configuration.

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