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Section 02: JavaScript Fundamentals

'Use Strict'

//Function basics
function describeCountry(country, population, capitalCity) {
return ${country} has ${population} million people and its capital city is ${capitalCity}
console.log(describeCountry('Bangladesh', 200, 'Dhaka'));
console.log(describeCountry('Pakistan', 240, 'Islamabad'));
console.log(describeCountry('India', 1000, 'Delhi'));;

//Function expression
const percentageOfWorld1 = function (population) {
return (population / 7900) * 100
const bangladesh1 = percentageOfWorld1(200);
const india1 = percentageOfWorld1(1200)
const USA1 = percentageOfWorld1(360)
console.log(bangladesh1, india1, USA1);
//Function declaration
//can call function before creating it
const bangladesh2 = percentageOfWorld2(200);
const india2 = percentageOfWorld2(1200)
const USA2 = percentageOfWorld2(360)
function percentageOfWorld2(population) {
return (population / 7900) * 100
console.log(bangladesh2, india2, USA2)
//Arrow Functions
const percentageOfWorld3 = population => (population / 7900) * 100//Use for one line operations as this one
const bangladesh3 = percentageOfWorld3(200);
const india3 = percentageOfWorld3(1200)
const USA3 = percentageOfWorld3(360)
console.log(bangladesh3, india3, USA3)
const describePopulation = function (country, population) {
return ${country} has ${population} million people, which is about ${percentageOfWorld1(200)} of the world
console.log(describePopulation("bangladesh", 200))
//Lists in python =>>> Array in JavaScript
const populations = new Array(200, 1200, 370, 1440)//Method 1 of creating an array in JS
console.log(populations.length === 4);
const percentages = [bangladesh1, india1, USA1, percentageOfWorld1(populations[populations.length - 1])]//Method 2(OG method) of creating arrays

const neighbours = new Array("India", "Myanmar", "Sri-Lanka");
neighbours.push("Utopia");//Add to end
neighbours.pop();//Remove from end
if (!neighbours.includes("Germany")) {
console.log("Probably not a central European country :D.")
neighbours[neighbours.indexOf("India")] = 'Republic of India';//array[index]=replaceValue

//Dictionaries in Python =>>> Objects in JavaScript

const myCountry = {
country: 'Bangladesh',
captital: 'Dhaka',
language: 'Bengali',
population: 200,
neighbours: neighbours
console.log(${} has ${myCountry.population} million ${myCountry.language} speaking people, ${myCountry.neighbours.length} neighbouring countries and a capital called ${myCountry.captital}.)
myCountry.population = myCountry.population + 2;//or use myCountry.population +=2
// console.log(myCountry['population' - 2]) This doesn't work because inside myCountry[x],x should be a key or expression of a key. It find the value from the key in the object.It doesn't modfy it.
myCountry["population"] -= 2;

const neighbours = new Array("India", "Myanmar", "Sri-Lanka");
const myCountry = {
country: 'Bangladesh',
captital: 'Dhaka',
language: 'Bengali',
population: 200,
neighbours: neighbours,
describe: function () {
return console.log(${} has ${this.population} million ${this.language} speaking people, ${this.neighbours.length} neighbouring countries and a capital called ${this.captital}.)

checkIsIsland: function () {
// this.isIsland = this.neighbours.length === 0 ? true : false
this.isIsland = !Boolean(this.neighbours.length)

for (let voterNo = 1; voterNo <= 50; voterNo++) {
console.log(Voter number ${voterNo} is currently voting.)

const populations = new Array(200, 1200, 370, 1440)
const percentages = []

const percentageOfWorld1 = function (population) {
return (population / 7900) * 100

for (let i = 0; i < populations.length; i++) {
// percentages.push(populations[i] / 79)
percentages.push(percentageOfWorld1(populations[i]))//I had issues figuring this out.To make it simple, create the function outside the loop.Then call the function inisde it.

//Failed to do this one :(
const listOfneighbours = [[Canada, Mexico], ['Spain'], ['Norway', 'Sweden', 'Russia']];
for (let i = 0; i < listOfneighbours.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < listOfneighbours[i].length; j++)
console.log(Neighbour: ${listOfneighbours[i][j]})

"Use Strict";

const dolphinsScore1 = 85;
const dolphinsScore2 = 54;
const dolphinsScore3 = 41;
const koalasScore1 = 23;
const koalasScore2 = 34;
const koalasScore3 = 27;

const calcAverage = (score1, score2, score3) => (score1 + score2 + score3) / 3;

const checkWinner = function () {
const avgDolphins = calcAverage(dolphinsScore1, dolphinsScore2, dolphinsScore3)
const avgKoalas = calcAverage(koalasScore1, koalasScore2, koalasScore3)
if (avgDolphins >= (2 * avgKoalas)) {
return Dolphins win (${avgDolphins} vs ${avgKoalas})
} else if (avgKoalas >= (2 * avgDolphins)) {
return Koalas win (${avgKoalas} vs ${avgDolphins})
} else {
return No winners.

const winner = checkWinner();
console.log(calcAverage(koalasScore1, koalasScore2, koalasScore3))
console.log(calcAverage(dolphinsScore1, dolphinsScore2, dolphinsScore3))

const calcTip = function (bill) {
const tip = 50 < bill && bill < 300 ? (.15 * bill) : (.20 * bill)
return tip
const bills = [125, 555, 44]
const tips = [calcTip(bills[0]), calcTip(bills[1]), calcTip(bills[2])]
const total = [bills[0] + tips[0], bills[1] + tips[1], bills[2] + tips[2]]

const markInfo = {
fullName: 'Mark Miller',
mass: 78,
height: 1.69,
calcBMI: function () {
this.bmi = (this.mass) / (this.height ** 2)
return this.bmi
const johnInfo = {
fullName: 'John Smith',
mass: 92,
height: 1.95,
calcBMI: function () {
this.bmi = (this.mass) / (this.height ** 2)
return this.bmi
// console.log(markInfo, johnInfo)
// markBMI = markInfo.calcBMI()
// johnBMI = johnInfo.calcBMI()
// console.log(markInfo, johnInfo)
if (markInfo.calcBMI() > johnInfo.calcBMI()) { //We could have also used markInfo.bmi and johnInfo.bmi instead of calling the method in the if else statements.
console.log(Marks's BMI (${markInfo.calcBMI()}) is higher than John's (${johnInfo.calcBMI()})))
} else {
console.log(John's BMI (${johnInfo.calcBMI()}) is higher than Marks's (${markInfo.calcBMI()})))
const bills = [22, 295, 176, 440, 37, 105, 10, 1100, 86, 52];
const tips = [];
const totals = [];

const calcTip = function (bill) {
const tip = 50 < bill && bill < 300 ? (.15 * bill) : (.20 * bill)
return tip

for (i = 0; i < bills.length; i++) {
const tip = calcTip(bills[i])
totals.push((tip) + bills[i])
console.log(tips, totals)

const calcAverage = function (arr) {
let sum = 0
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
sum = sum + arr[i]
return Average is ${sum / arr.length}

// Remember, we're gonna use strict mode in all scripts now!
'use strict';
//Developer skills
//1)Create the array
//2)form the string using loop and counter
//3)log it to the console
const printForecast= function(arr){
let str=""
for (let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
str=str+...${arr[i]} degree Celcius in ${i+1} days
return str=str+"..."

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