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Customizing mozilla-django-oidc


In order to implement OIDC authentication using Django and mozilla-django-oidc, I would recommend reading this article: [How to implement OIDC authentication with Django and Okta].

  • The mozilla-django-oidc package provides a Django authentication backend that allows you to use OIDC as the authentication mechanism for your Django application. It handles the details of verifying the user's identity and obtaining the necessary information from the OIDC provider. The backend can be used to authenticate users in Django's built-in authentication system, or you can use it to add OIDC support to your own custom authentication backend.
  • Ensure you have an Okta developer account and configure an application. Follow the steps detailed in the article above.

Note: Here's a link to the final project on Github.

OIDC Oauth2 authentication using Django and mozilla-django-oidc with Okta

Tutorial Link

How to set up the project


  • python 3.10
  • poetry as dependency manager


  • clone the repository
git clone
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  • cd into the directory
cd oidc-connect
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create environment variables

On Unix or MacOS, run:

cp .env.example .env
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You can edit whatever values you like in there.

Note: There is no space next to '='

On terminal

source .env
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To Create:

make env
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To Activate:

source ./env/bin/activate
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Installing dependencies:

make install
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Make migrations

make makemigrations
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run application

make run
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  • In the Okta application you created, ensure you have enabled token refresh as shown below. Enable token rfresh


In this article, I am going to address three main areas:

  1. Storing the user's OIDC access_token, id_token, and refresh_token. By default the package only allows us to store the access token and id token. Since we want to implement session refresh and logout, we will need to store the "access" and "refresh" tokens.
  2. OIDC Logout. mozilla_django_oidc logout only terminates the existing session in our Django app. We want to also terminate the session in the Okta authorization server.
  3. Implementing our own session refresh middleware based on the mozilla_django_oidc.middleware.SessionRefresh middleware. By default, the package forces a user to login when their token expires. We might want to automatically refresh the user's access token as long as the refresh token is still valid. We will also rotate the refresh token after each use.

When using the Okta authorization server, the lifetime of the JWT tokens is hard-coded to the following values: ID Token: 60 minutes. Access Token: 60 minutes. Refresh Token: 100 days.

Part 1: Storing access and refresh tokens

  • For this, we need to create our own custom authentication backend that subclasses mozilla_django_oidc.auth.OIDCAuthenticationBackend and override the authenticate method.
# oidc_app/core/

import logging

from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
from django.urls import reverse
from mozilla_django_oidc.auth import OIDCAuthenticationBackend
from mozilla_django_oidc.utils import absolutify

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CustomOIDCAuthenticationBackend(OIDCAuthenticationBackend):
    """Custom OIDC authentication backend."""

    def authenticate(self, request, **kwargs):
        """Authenticates a user based on the OIDC code flow."""

        self.request = request
        if not self.request:
            return None

        state = self.request.GET.get("state")
        code = self.request.GET.get("code")
        nonce = kwargs.pop("nonce", None)

        if not code or not state:
            return None

        reverse_url = self.get_settings(
            "OIDC_AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_URL", "oidc_authentication_callback"

        token_payload = {
            "client_id": self.OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID,
            "client_secret": self.OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET,
            "grant_type": "authorization_code",
            "code": code,
            "redirect_uri": absolutify(self.request, reverse(reverse_url)),

        # Get the token
        token_info = self.get_token(token_payload)
        id_token = token_info.get("id_token")
        access_token = token_info.get("access_token")
        refresh_token = token_info.get("refresh_token")

        # Validate the token
        payload = self.verify_token(id_token, nonce=nonce)

        if payload:
            self.store_tokens(access_token, id_token, refresh_token) # <--- HERE: store tokens
                return self.get_or_create_user(access_token, id_token, payload)
            except SuspiciousOperation as exc:
                LOGGER.warning("failed to get or create user: %s", exc)
                return None

        return None

    def store_tokens(self, access_token, id_token, refresh_token): # <--- HERE: store tokens
        """Store OIDC tokens."""
        session = self.request.session

        if self.get_settings("OIDC_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN", True):
            session["oidc_access_token"] = access_token

        if self.get_settings("OIDC_STORE_ID_TOKEN", False):
            session["oidc_id_token"] = id_token

        if self.get_settings("OIDC_STORE_REFRESH_TOKEN", True): # <--- HERE: Add refresh token option
            session["oidc_refresh_token"] = refresh_token
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  • Update the settings file to add the option of storing the tokens and add the new authentication backend. We also need to explicitly tell "mozilla_django_oidc" to set the token expiry time to 1 hour from the authentication time. Furthermore, since Okta does not automatically issue a refresh token, you need to add offline_access scope to your OIDC_RP_SCOPES value as follows:
# oidc_app/

OIDC_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN = os.environ.get("OIDC_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN", True) # Store the access token in the OIDC backend
OIDC_STORE_ID_TOKEN = os.environ.get("OIDC_STORE_ID_TOKEN", True) # Store the ID token in the OIDC backend
OIDC_STORE_REFRESH_TOKEN = os.environ.get("OIDC_STORE_REFRESH_TOKEN", True) # Store the refresh token in the OIDC backend
OIDC_RP_SCOPES = os.environ.get("OIDC_RP_SCOPES", "openid profile email offline_access")  # The OIDC scopes to request

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That's it. The token sill be stored in the user session whenever the user authenticates.

Part 2: OIDC Logout

Although both refresh tokens and access tokens have an expiration time, it is highly advised to revoke these tokens once they aren’t needed (e.g. in case the user logs out of your application).

  • Create a logout view that handles; django logout and oidc logout.
# oidc_app/authentication/
from django.contrib.auth import logout
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.contrib.auth.views import LogoutView
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache
from oidc_app.core.logout import oidc_logout # to be implemented
class LogoutViewSet(LogoutView):
    API endpoint that handles user logout
    def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Override the dispatch method to add the okta logout functionality

        oidc_logout(request) # This is the function that does the oidc logout
        logout(request) # This is the django logout
        redirect_to = self.get_success_url()
        if redirect_to != request.get_full_path():
            # Redirect to target page once the session has been cleared.
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to)
        return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
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  • Update the urls file to include the new logout viewset
# oidc_app/
from oidc_app.authentication import views as auth_views

urlpatterns = [
    path("logout", auth_views.LogoutViewSet.as_view(), name="logout"),
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Okta Logout

  • Add the token revoke endpoint to the settings file as follows.
# oidc_app/
    f"https://{OKTA_DOMAIN}/oauth2/default/v1/revoke"  # The OIDC token revocation endpoint
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  • With all the configurations in place, we need to make a request to Okta and revoking the access and refresh tokens
# oidc_app/core/

import requests
import logging
from django.conf import settings

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def revoke_token(token_type, token):
    """Revoke an OIDC token."""

    token_revoke_payload = {
        "client_id": settings.OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID,
        "client_secret": settings.OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET,
        "token": token,
        "token_type_hint": token_type,

        response =
            settings.OIDC_OP_TOKEN_REVOKE_ENDPOINT, data=token_revoke_payload
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        LOGGER.error("Failed to revoke token: %s", e)

def oidc_logout(request):
    """Logout the user."""

    token_types = {
        "refresh_token": request.session.get("oidc_refresh_token"),
        "access_token": request.session.get("oidc_access_token"),

    for token_type, token in token_types.items():
        if token:
  "Revoking token of type %s", token_type)
            revoke_token(token_type, token)
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That's it!! When your user logs out, the access and refresh tokens will be revoked by Okta.

Part 3: Session Refresh middleware.

Access and ID tokens are JSON web tokens that are valid for a specific number of seconds. Typically, a user needs a new access token when they attempt to access a resource for the first time or after the previous access token that was granted to them expires. A refresh token is a special token that is used to obtain additional access tokens. This allows you to have short-lived access tokens without having to collect credentials every time one expires. You request a refresh token alongside the access and/or ID tokens as part of a user's initial authentication and authorization flow. Applications must then securely store refresh tokens since they allow users to remain authenticated.

  • Ideally, you would want to check the user session validity status whenever they make a request. Hence, we are going to subclass mozilla_django_oidc.middleware.SessionRefresh and handle the session refresh if the access token has expired.
# oidc_app/core/

import logging
import time
from re import Pattern as re_Pattern

import requests
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from mozilla_django_oidc.middleware import SessionRefresh as OIDCSessionRefresh

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class OIDCSessionRefreshMiddleware(OIDCSessionRefresh):
    def exempt_urls(self):
        """Generate and return a set of url paths to exempt from SessionRefresh

        This takes the value of ``settings.OIDC_EXEMPT_URLS`` and appends three
        urls that mozilla-django-oidc uses. These values can be view names or
        absolute url paths.

        :returns: list of url paths (for example "/oidc/callback/")

        exempt_urls = []
        for url in self.OIDC_EXEMPT_URLS:
            if not isinstance(url, re_Pattern):
        return set(
            [url if url.startswith("/") else reverse(url) for url in exempt_urls]

    def refresh_session(self, request):
        """Refresh the session with new data from the request session store."""

        refresh_token = request.session.get("oidc_refresh_token", None)

        token_refresh_payload = {
            "refresh_token": refresh_token,
            "client_id": self.get_settings("OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID"),
            "client_secret": self.get_settings("OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET"),
            "grant_type": "refresh_token",

            response =
                self.get_settings("OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT"), data=token_refresh_payload
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            LOGGER.error("Failed to refresh session: %s", e)
            return False
        data = response.json()
                "oidc_access_token": data.get("access_token"),
                "oidc_id_token_expiration": time.time() + data.get("expires_in"),
                "oidc_refresh_token": data.get("refresh_token"),
        return True

    def process_request(self, request):
        if not self.is_refreshable_url(request):
            LOGGER.debug("request is not refreshable")

        expiration = request.session.get("oidc_id_token_expiration", 0)
        now = time.time()
        if expiration > now:
            # The id_token is still valid, so we don't have to do anything.
            LOGGER.debug("id token is still valid (%s > %s)", expiration, now)

        LOGGER.debug("id token has expired")
        if not self.refresh_session(request):
            # If we can't refresh the session, then we need to reauthenticate the user.
            # As per the default OIDCSessionRefresh implementation.
            return super().process_request(request)

        LOGGER.debug("session refreshed")
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  • We need to update the MIDDLEWARE settings to include the new middleware we just created. We also have a couple of URLs that needs to be skipped when doing the session refresh: oidc_authentication_callback, oidc_authentication_callback, and logout. Update your settings file with the list of these urls.
# oidc_app/


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Thats it! You now have a custom backend that stores the refresh and access token, a middleware that handles fetching a new refresh and access token as well as a logout view that invalidates the access and refresh tokens.

Next Up: Implement the Authorization Code with PKCE flow in Okta. Stay tunned.

Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion. Thank you!

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