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Discussion on: Is CSS dying already?

hendrul profile image
Raul Contreras • Edited

You can do everything with css, but today there are better ways to apply css, like tailwindcss in combination with twin.macro and css-in-js. Have you tried tailwind?, it's not the same as bootstrap, it's focus is utility classes. Just using their playground you should see the huge difference to reinventing your own class names every time and repetition everywhere. I mean, css is going to be there always because it's pretty powerful, but there are higher level alternatives that are a boost for productivity without the having to pay with efficiency.

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easrng profile image

I don't like utility classes. If someone made something like tailwind but using css variables instead of classes, I'd jump on in an instant, if it had any benefits over vanilla. I like my content and styles seperate.

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hendrul profile image
Raul Contreras

With css in js everything is possible, you want separate styles? It got’s you cover, you have alternatives so you can lower the level when you need to, or use utility classes on other cases. Its definitely a matter of taste. I prefer styled components, css in jsx as properties, or tailwind

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easrng profile image

CSS in JS cannot style elements when JS is off, or in browsers without JS.