My Final Project
As part of my full stack 16 week development bootcamp we spend the final 4 weeks working on a team project. I was in a team of 3. Jodie, Mel and I built a Bootcamper Network App for alumni and current school of code bootcampers to connect and share details of their roles etc. We loved building this app together and worked in sprints of 5 days to firstly meet our MVP and then achieve some of our stretch goals.
Demo Link
Bootcamper Network App
Our app is live for now but we are planning to continue to work on it whilst we wait for the job offers to role in...!
We did a live demo last week, so if you're interested, please have a watch (we start at about 16 mins into the vid)
Link to Code
React front end for Bootcamper Network Mobile App - final School of Code bootcamp project for Team Jomellen
School of Code Bootcamper Network App
Final project for team Jomellen
Jodie Neville, Mell Kay & Helen Kent
Faced with the problem of a distributed network of current bootcampers and alumni, team Jomellen decided to bring everyone together with our Bootcamper Network App. School of Code bootcampers past and present can all now login to the app and share their career progress with each other. This enables other bootcampers to see all SoC affiliated companies easily. Bootcampers can also share (privately, with only the SoC team) their job satisfaction rating, allowing the team to reach out to support the bootcamper with a new job hunt.
How to use (only if you're from the School of Code!)
- Click the link above and login with your Google account.
- Create an account.
- Investigate the app!
- Clone or download this repository and the back…
Express server, nodejs back end for Bootcamper Network App - final School of Code bootcamp project for Team Jomellen
School of Code Bootcamper Network App - Back End
Final project for team Jomellen
Jodie Neville, Mell Kay & Helen Kent
Faced with the problem of a distributed network of current bootcampers and alumni, team Jomellen decided to bring everyone together with our Bootcamper Network App. School of Code bootcampers past and present can all now login to the app and share their career progress with each other. This enables other bootcampers to see all SoC affiliated companies easily. Bootcampers can also share (privately, with only the SoC team) their job satisfaction rating, allowing the team to reach out to support the bootcamper with a new job hunt.
How to use (only if you're from the School of Code!)
- Click the link above and login with your Google account.
- Create an account.
- Investigate the app!
- Clone or download this repository…
How we built it
- We used React to build the front end and we decided to build it as a progressive web app so that we could have one code base that worked flexibly across all devices. We built it mobile first, but currently it only looks nice on mobile...we still need to work on desktop sizes!
- We chose to use google firebase for user authentication
- We used the meet up pro api to pull in local tech events. We discovered we needed to use OAuth2 to interface with the api. This was a giant faff and took us a long time to get to grips with, but we did it!
- We used the google maps api to embed little maps for company locations, i really like this!
- We challenged ourselves to learn a bit more about AWS so used RDS and elastic beanstalk for our database and for hosting our back end. Elastic beanstalk has a really nice cli that let us deploy our back end code easily quite early on.
- We used nodejs and express for our server as we knew it and felt very comfortable with it.
Additional Thoughts
We're really proud of our app. There is still more we'd like to do (push notifications, fixing the edit form patch request, adding form validation, private messaging) but after 12 weeks of learning and 4 weeks of building I think we did a great job and i'm really proud of it!
Thank you for letting me share our app!
Top comments (4)
This is absolutely brilliant. Congrats on finishing the bootcamp!
Just wanted to say great job! Looks nice and very functional.
Congrats Helen