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He Codes IT
He Codes IT

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Codewars Python — Integer to Roman conversion

Codewars Python in its 6kyu Kata has given us a problem to convert an integer into the Roman numeral Symbols. In Ancient Roman times, people use Roman numbers instead of integers.
My approach to the Problem:
Firstly, I made two Lists in Python, first to store the Numbers which have a Single Roman Symbol Available and Second List for Roman Symbols.
To Find the Solution Read

Top comments (6)

netosimoes profile image

I came up with this solution

netosimoes profile image

from enum import Enum

class Roman(Enum):
M = 1000
D = 500
C = 100
L = 50
X = 10
V = 5
I = 1

def convert_number_to_roman(number: int) -> str:
result = ""
while number > 0:
for roman in Roman:
while number - roman.value >= 0:
number -= roman.value
result +=
return result

hecodesit profile image
He Codes IT

Really Helpful

hecodesit profile image
He Codes IT

Hey, Thank You so Much, Just read about this function, will apply in future.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

Why does you image say "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12" ?

hecodesit profile image
He Codes IT

It was a Codewar Kata to Convert Integers into Roman Numbers in Python