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Cover image for KFtray: Manage Multiple kubectl Port Forwards with Ease from Your Menu Bar πŸš€
Henrique Cavarsan
Henrique Cavarsan

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KFtray: Manage Multiple kubectl Port Forwards with Ease from Your Menu Bar πŸš€

KFtray, the new open-source tool for Kubernetes users. It simplifies managing your kubectl port forwards from the menu bar. See why it could be useful for your toolkit:

Kubectl Pain Points 🚨

KFtray was developed with a clear objective in mind: simplifying the complexities associated with managing multiple kubectl port forwards, enhancing the stability of these connections, and filling in the capabilities that kubectl lacks. The motivation for KFtray stemmed from several identified issues:

  • Excessive Terminal Windows: Managing numerous kubectl port forwards can lead to a cluttered and unmanageable desktop environment, making efficient work challenging.
  • Unreliable Connections: The instability caused by pod failures can disrupt port forward connections, further complicated by the absence of UDP forwarding support in kubectl.

Why KFtray? βœ…

KFtray aims to address these challenges by:

  • Simplifying the Workflow: It eradicates the clutter of numerous terminal windows, paving the way for a cleaner and more manageable working environment.
  • Ensuring Reliability: the app is designed to automatically re-establish connections when disruptions occur, maintaining a stable workflow regardless of pod status.
  • Expanding Capabilities: By incorporating UDP forwarding and proxy functionality, KFtray offers a more comprehensive set of tools than what kubectl alone provides.

Through these measures, KFtray seeks to enhance productivity and streamline the management of Kubernetes resources, making it a valuable tool for developers and system administrators alike.

Key Features 🌟

  • Reliable Port Forwarding: Ensures your services stay connected, even if disruptions occur.
  • Batch Forwarding: Initiate multiple port forwardings with a single action.
  • Bypass kubectl: Direct interaction with Kubernetes API for a smoother experience.
  • TCP & UDP Support: Compatibility with both protocol types for versatile service connections.

Easy Installation πŸ› οΈ

ou can directly download it from the GitHub releases page at But, for macOS and Linux users, installation via Homebrew is an option, check more details in repository README

Configurations ManagementπŸ”§

Kftray stores configurations in a SQLite file in the user's home folder for easy export, import, and sharing the exported JSON file.

Get Started with KFtray ✨

KFtray offers simplicity for Kubernetes port forwarding tasks, presented in an easily accessible format. It's a practical tool for any Kubernetes user seeking a more manageable and effective port forwarding solution.

Share Your Thoughts: Help Us Enhance KFtray with Your Feedback! 🌟

We hope our app makes your work easier and gets more folks into Kubernetes. Any ideas for improvement? We’re all ears!

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Top comments (5)

bcouetil profile image
Benoit COUETIL πŸ’« • Edited

Welcome here πŸ‘‹ and thank you for sharing !

It seems great on the implementation side. But I'm wondering what the advantage would be on Kubefwd, which port-forwards every services at once with dedicated hosts. It seems to me much easier to use.

What do you think ?

hcavarsan profile image
Henrique Cavarsan

Hey there!

You've got a point about Kubefwd, and it's definitely a strong choice for bulk port-forwarding services with dedicated hosts. It simplifies a lot, making it super accessible for quick use cases.

The cool thing about kftray, from my perspective, is its focus on flexibility and specific-use features. For example, it shines when you need more granular control over your port forwards, like dealing with individual services or when UDP support is a must. Plus, its GUI makes managing multiple forwards visually straightforward, which can be a plus for quickly identifying and adjusting your forwards on the fly.

Also, the integration with GitHub for configuration sync is something that really helps in keeping team environments in sync without manually sharing scripts or configs. It’s all about giving you and your team the right tools to be as productive as possible.

Both tools have their sweet spots, and it’s great we have options to choose what fits best with our workflow and the task at hand. Appreciate your curiosity and keen to hear any further thoughts you might have!

hcavarsan profile image
Henrique Cavarsan

also, you can read more about the kftray in my last article here:

bcouetil profile image
Benoit COUETIL πŸ’«

Understood, thanks for such a detailed answer πŸ™

franciscofelixpj profile image

The best tool to management ports of the kubernetes services.