Howdy Azure users again,
Today I will be showing you how to exploit the powerful Azure FaceAPI n order to extract data about people in images.I assume that you already read the previous article as there are some fundamentals you need to know about Azure in order to follow along .
Also, you can find the code I’m about to explain in my repository .
What does this code do exactly?
Actually, this is a Python code which allows the detection and identification of human faces using Azure’s API .It is composed of two main functions paraMade and recogn each requiring a key and a URL .
How does it work?
The code is composed of two functions, both get their arguments from the sys.argv array .
- paraMade:
This function is responsible for sending a request with the URL of the image and receiving details about detected faces in JSON format (JS Object Notation)
def paraMade(key, url): # defining the function
subscription_key = key # getting API token
uri_base = ‘’ # setting endpoint URL
headers = {
‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,
‘Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key’: subscription_key,
} # setting the headers of the request
params = {
‘returnFaceId’: ‘true’,
‘returnFaceLandmarks’: ‘false’,
‘returnFaceAttributes’: ‘age,gender,headPose,smile,facialHair,glasses,emotion,hair,makeup,occlusion,accessories,blur,exposure,noise’,
} # setting the parameters of the request
body = {‘url’: url} #assigning the url of the image from the func argumenttry:
response = requests.request(‘POST’, uri_base + ‘/face/v1.0/detect’, json=body, data=None, headers=headers, params=params) # sending POST request to the endpoint and collecting response
parsed = json.loads(response.text) # parsing the response
print(“\tIn this picture : %s\nWe found that:\n” % url)print (json.dumps(parsed, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) # printing the list of detected faces
print(“\tThere are %i people” % parsed.len())# counting number of detected faces
for person in parsed: # looping through the list of faces
print(“\t> Person %i:\n\tThis is a %i-year old %s” %(parsed.index(person)+1, person[“faceAttributes”][“age”],person[“faceAttributes”][“gender”])) #
if int(person[“faceAttributes”][“hair”][“bald”]) == 0: # PARSING JSON OBJECTS
if is_male(person[“faceAttributes”][“gender”]): #
print(“\tHis face, has the id %s” % (person[‘faceId’])) # and using data to make a paragraph
print(“\tHer face, has the id %s”% (person[‘faceId’])) #
except Exception as e:
- recogn:
def recogn(KEY, img_url): # defining the function
CF.Key.set(KEY) # setting the API key
BASE_URL = ‘’ # endpoint URL
CF.BaseUrl.set(BASE_URL) # setting the endpoint URL
detected = CF.face.detect(img_url)
print(detected) # printing the list of detected faces
def getRectangle(faceDictionary): # defining rectangle coordinates-related function
rect = faceDictionary[‘faceRectangle’]
left = rect[‘left’]
top = rect[‘top’]
bottom = left + rect[‘height’]
right = top + rect[‘width’]
return ((left, top), (bottom, right)) # returning coordinatesresponse = requests.get(img_url) # downloading image
img = # opening image using BytesIOdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # setting the image for drawing using ImageDraw from Pillow
for face in detected: # looping in list of detected faces
draw.rectangle(getRectangle(face), outline=’blue’) # drawing # outputting results
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