What fullstack project should I make? If you keep asking yourself these questions, you're in the right place. I've curated a list of 7 fullstack pr...
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I think the best one on this list is probably a zoom clone or a video chatting app, if you have the time of course. You learn a lot trying to make it better. It includes text chat too.
And suggestion would be to not worrying too much about the how the UI looks but focus on the functionalities and making the navigations smoother and more interactive.
I totally agree with you! Creating an app which allows users to interact with each other via their webcam is no easy feat. This project focuses on the backend as much as the frontend and UI which makes it a true fullstack project. Thanks for reading.
NVidia Jetson Nano has a optimized version of WebRTC and supports AI if you want to go a step further. It also makes a great security camera system.
you are right
Great list 😄. I think the best projects to learn new things with are building clones of existing products and figuring out how you would make it better. What kind of features do you think it's lacking or should be done in a different way.
I particularly like the workout tracker because I think it's fitting for the current times where gyms tend to be closed. How would we actively track and motivate home workouts, that kind of stuff.
Thanks for reading! I definitely think that building clones of an existing project are a great way to get better too (especially on your CSS skills).
I’ll try out the zoom clone and social media app. I’ve done an e-commerce with MEVN stack (Mongo, ExpressJS, Vue, NodeJS) and I’m currently reproducing it with MENN stack (Mongo, ExpressJS, NodeJS, NuxtJs).
Good luck! Thanks for reading!
Very nice list of projects. Just complementary content. I created a post here in dev.to about how to choose the right backend framework. This can help out if someone wonders what kind of framework should use based on the domain problem.
That's an awesome post! Thanks for reading!
I just finished a small e-commerce project using the PERN stack.
Cool app! Thanks for reading!
WebRTC and socket.io is definitely a great tech stack choice! They are great for other use cases as well, for instance socket.io can also be used for an auto match making video game: codecustard.io/portfolio/toonkins-...
Yes, socket.io can be used for many things! I love socket.io because of that!
For the video chatting app/Zoom clone I think is worth mentioning to try an implementation with Jitsi Web API. Working with an external product have value too.
I've never tried the Jitsi Web API! I'll try it out, thanks for mentioning it!
I have a simple implementation on github.com/dastasoft/project-holo with ReactJS, check it out maybe some initial issues are resolved there.
Great List !! :)
I'm making a React web app with React, Nodejs + Express, Mysql do you think that's a good stack? like should I use another database or MySQL is fine?
Also awesome post 👏👏👏 I'll definitely be making some of your suggestions
Thanks, that means a lot!
Regarding MySQL, if you are good at MySQL then it's fine for you to use it. If you have the time to learn PostgreSQL I would highly recommend using it over MySQL because PostgreSQL has better concurrency, more features, and is closer to and adheres to the SQL standards better. This is a great tutorial for getting started with PostgreSQL: youtu.be/tp_5c6jaNQE.
Alright thanks, I'll check it out.
Thanks for sharing the article. Helpful information in fullstack industry online with more details. Stunned by the level of content. Also take a look in stunning Landing page simular to article is online fitness platform.
Nice list!
Thanks for reading!
Finally i can get my practice on, I always wondered what projects to could try working on to get some hands-on practice thanks to this awesome list i now have a starting point.
Your welcome! Thanks for reading.
Definitely worth my time. Thank you.
Thanks for reading!
Thats a pretty good list and the year is young so no reason why a developer could not complete them all.
That's the spirit! Thanks for reading!
Thank u so much for sharing. I was actually thinking of making a Full stack project. Thanks for the idea. I will go for First Chat App and then workout tracker
Go for it, good luck! Thanks for reading!
Thank you for this! Been in a loop of finding a good project to try out for a while, looks like I have a few here I will go for!
It was really helpful ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks, that means a lot!
That workout tracker is definitely in my "things to build list" although I would use Next.js for it.
Other than that, great article! nice ideas and tech suggestions.
and then, when you are a Full-Stack Developer, find a job on my project: fullstackjob.com . Good luck :-)
i am going to try Svelte. Thanks for info. :D
Thanks for reading!
Good List!!!
Good Content!
Thanks, that means a lot!
Cool! And thanks for this post
Thanks for reading!
Nice list! The Workout Tracker is my favorite.
Mine too! Thanks for reading.
Great list.
Us there a tutorial for the blog site? Because the link there is for typescript react with graphql
If you wanted a different tutorial, I would recommend this one: youtu.be/1NrHkjlWVhM. Thanks for reading!
Thanks for Sharing!
Thanks for reading! Glad you found it useful!
Thanks for reading!
I will go for a workout tracker as my practice in learning vuejs
Go for it! Good luck! Thanks for reading!
Why no IoT projects? Hassio + node-red would make a great javascript-based IoT tutorial.
Nice, Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for reading!
WOW! stupendous work....listing out the 7 Fullstack Projects You Need to Make in 2021 and also refer Flicknexs platform to know more.
Thanks for compiling a list of projects. I would be glad to learn from these projects and showcase on my CV!
Your Todo list is linked to the wrong video tutorial.
In that tutorial, Ben Awad builds a VSCode Todo list extension, hence its a tutorial for making a todo list.