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Henry Boisdequin
Henry Boisdequin

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30 Machine Learning, AI, & Data Science Project Ideas

The best way to learn machine learning, AI, and data science is by creating projects. This way you learn all the concepts you need to know in a real-life situation. What project should I make? I will give you 30 machine learning, AI, and data science project ideas with a description, tutorial if you get stuck, and some further details.

1. Titanic Survival Project

Description: Use machine learning to create a model that predicts which passengers survived the Titanic shipwreck.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

2. Chatbot

Description: Create a chatbot which responds to your messages appropriately.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

3. Sentiment Analysis Project

Description: Create a sentiment analysis model which finds the sentiment of the given text.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

4. Image Captioning Project

Description: Create a machine learning model to create a caption for a given image.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

5. Convert Image to Pencil Sketch Project

Description: Create a machine learning model to convert a given image to a pencil sketch.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

6. Customer Segmentation

Description: Create a machine learning model to find out who your loyal customers are.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

7. MNIST Project

Description: Create an AI model to detect numbers using the MNIST digit dataset.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

8. Facial Recognition System

Description: Create an AI model to detect who is the person in a given image.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

9. AI Plays Flappy Bird

Description: Create an AI to play a classic game: Flappy Bird.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

10. AI Draw Numbers

Description: Create a GAN to draw numbers based on the MNIST digit dataset.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

11. Fake News Detector

Description: Create a machine learning model that can detect if a piece of news is fake or real.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

12. Colour Detector

Description: Create a machine learning model that can detect what colour is featured in a given image.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

13. Traffic Signs Recognition Project

Description: Create an AI model that can classify different traffic lights.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

14. FIFA 19 Player Analysis

Description: Analyze FIFA 19 players using linear regression.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

15. Airplane Crashes Data Visualization Project

Description: Visualize aeroplane crash data.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

16. COVID-19 Visualization & Prediction Project

Description: Visualize and predict COVID-19 cases.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

17. Real-time Vehicle Detection Project

Description: Detect cars in real-time using computer vision.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

18. AI Plays Football/Soccer

Description: Create an AI to play football/soccer in the Google Football Environment.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

19. Predict Student Test Scores

Description: Use student data to predict their end of year test scores with linear regression.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

20. Cartoonify an Image

Description: Use machine learning to make the given image a cartoon.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

21. Create Fake Faces

Description: Use a GAN model to create fake human faces.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

22. Mask Detector Project

Description: Create a real-time mask detector project with Python.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

23. Social Distancing Detector

Description: Use computer vision to detect whether a group of people are social distancing.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

24. Handwriting Recognition

Description: Create a machine learning model to detect handwriting.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

25. Email Spam Detection

Description: Create a machine learning model to detect whether an email is spam or not.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

26. Bee or Wasp

Description: Create a machine learning model to detect whether the given image is a bee or a wasp.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

27. Christmas Gift Matching

Description: Create an AI algorithm that maximizes happiness by pairing kids with toys they want.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

28. Text Generation

Description: Create an RNN model that generates Shakespeare like text.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

29. AI Plays Connect-4

Description: Create an AI which can play the Connect-4 game.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):

30. Checkers AI

Description: Create an AI which can play the Checkers game.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tutorial (if you get stuck):


Let me know if you have started any of these projects and how it went in the comments! Thanks for reading!


Top comments (2)

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takeoffprojectsfinalyear profile image

Really good information about 30 Machine Learning AI Data Science Projects in Python.