Create a VPC Peering connection between EKS Kubernetes and RDS Postgres
Note: this script assumes your resources names are prefixed with name of EKS cluster so if EKS cluster name is "myEKS" then the EKS VPC name is myEKS/VPC.
please fix this script variables in Step#1 according to your naming convention or actual names of resources.
all rest of steps are same.
Set some basic information like EKS names / VPC Names
Setting variables for EKS cluster:
# set name of VPC in which EKS exists, for me i use eksctl to create eks
# so vpc name is automatically set to name_of_eks_cluster/VPC
# you can change here to whatever your VPC name is
# same goes for the VPC public routing table name of EKS
and for RDS:
# set this variable to the name of VPC in which RDS exists
# same goes for private routing table of RDS
Now that all variables are set, the following steps should be run as simply copy-paste
Get VPC ID of acceptor i.e. RDS
echo "getting the VPC ID and CIDR of acceptor(RDS instance)"
ACCEPT_VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$RDS_VPC --query=Vpcs[0].VpcId --output text)
ACCEPT_CIDR=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$RDS_VPC --query=Vpcs[0].CidrBlockAssociationSet[0].CidrBlock --output text)
Get VPC ID of requestor i.e. EKS
REQUEST_VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$EKS_VPC --query=Vpcs[0].VpcId --output text)
REQUEST_CIDR=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$EKS_VPC --query=Vpcs[0].CidrBlockAssociationSet[0].CidrBlock --output text)
get Public Route table ID of requestor and acceptor
REQ_ROUTE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-route-tables --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$EKS_PUBLIC_ROUTING_TABLE --query=RouteTables[0].RouteTableId --output text)
ACCEPT_ROUTE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-route-tables --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=$RDS_PRIVATE_ROUTING_TABLE --query=RouteTables[0].RouteTableId --output text)
Create Peering Connection
peerVPCID=$(aws $DRY_RUN ec2 create-vpc-peering-connection --vpc-id $REQUEST_VPC_ID --peer-vpc-id $ACCEPT_VPC_ID --query VpcPeeringConnection.VpcPeeringConnectionId --output text)
aws $DRY_RUN ec2 accept-vpc-peering-connection --vpc-peering-connection-id "$peerVPCID"
aws $DRY_RUN ec2 create-tags --resources "$peerVPCID" --tags 'Key=Name,Value=eks-peer-rds'
Adding the private VPC CIDR block to our public VPC route table as destination
aws $DRY_RUN ec2 create-route --route-table-id "$REQ_ROUTE_ID" --destination-cidr-block "$ACCEPT_CIDR" --vpc-peering-connection-id "$peerVPCID"
aws $DRY_RUN ec2 create-route --route-table-id "$ACCEPT_ROUTE_ID" --destination-cidr-block "$REQUEST_CIDR" --vpc-peering-connection-id "$peerVPCID"
Add a rule that allows inbound RDS (from our Public Instance source)
RDS_VPC_SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier $RDS_DB_NAME --query=DBInstances[0].VpcSecurityGroups[0].VpcSecurityGroupId --output text)
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id ${RDS_VPC_SECURITY_GROUP_ID} --protocol tcp --port 5432 --cidr "$REQUEST_CIDR"
Run postgresql container :
kubectl run -i --tty --rm postgresdebug --image=alpine:3.5 -- restart=Never -- sh
install postgresql:
apk update apk add postgresql
psql -h <HOST> -U <USER> Password for user <USER>: psql (9.6.10, server 9.6.15) SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM- SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off) Type "help" for help. <DB_NAME>=
Top comments (2)
Thanks for the helpful example! I used this to create a script to automate creating peering for my EKS and Aurora VPC's. I found that one step was left out: we also need to allow DNS resolution between the VPC's. The extra command needed, following the pattern above, is:
aws $DRY_RUN ec2 modify-vpc-peering-connection-options \
--vpc-peering-connection-id "$peerVPCID" \
--requester-peering-connection-options '{"AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc":true}' \
--accepter-peering-connection-options '{"AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc":true}'
Thank you this was extremely useful. I have a quick question on how this might work if I need a second EKS VPC to peer to my RDS. Following the same commands gives me an error that there's a duplicate route and rule for, therefore my second EKS is timing out.