DEV Community

Discussion on: Large Scale Geospatial Visualization with, Mapbox-gl and Vue.js

haxzie profile image
Musthaq Ahamad • Edited's MapView is designed to sync perfectly with the camera of Mapbox, at every zoom level and rotation angle. From the official documentation, we can get to know that: has been designed to work in tandem with popular JavaScript base map providers, especially Mapbox. Depending on your tech stack,'s support for a particular base map solution may come with different level of compatibility and limitations.

As I mentioned in the post, there should not be much issues while using any other Map providers as basemap, if you are following the second method. Since the second method (using the basemap method) gives the control of map's viewstate over to and the basemap is only used to render the map, this should work with any map libraries.

You can learn more about this from here

axelledrouge profile image

Interesting, especially if it can correctly integrate with other providers.
The visuals are really stunning! I will remember this library when I have cases of specifics layers not supported

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haxzie profile image
Musthaq Ahamad • Edited

Awesome. We have came across a lot of libraries when it comes to geospatial visualisation. Only DeckGL could cut the cake for large-scale datasets. Will be shortly writing about other alternative libraries which could help visualize large-scale datasets 🙌🏼

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axelledrouge profile image

Great, I would love to read about those.
It is always interesting to know about alternatives to basics, mostly when customers ask for really specifics behaviors not covered by the generics API, and the last time I had to work on a case like that, we faced a huuuge problem of performance and memory management.