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How to install all the tools you need and want in Kali Linux with one command (From top 10 to default to everything)

Kali metapackages; install all the tools you want with a simple Command'

Did you just finish a fresh install of Kali and get all excited to play around with all of the tools you see everyone use, but instead you see this message?

-(Message from Kali developers)

This is a minimal installation of Kali Linux, you likely want to install supplementary tools. Learn how: 
= m-setup/ L 
-(Run: "touch ~/.hushlogin" to hide this message) 

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If this is you, and you're unfamiliar with metapackages and think to yourself, "How am I supposed to install every tool one by one, and how do I even know what tools to install?" Then this is for you!

Kali Linux tools from Top 10 to Everything.

Kali Linux provides a flexible way to install various collections of tools through the apt package manager. These collections are grouped into metapackages, which are packages that don't contain software themselves but depend on a large number of related tools. Here's a list of different apt commands to install various versions and sizes of Kali tools:

1. Kali-Linux-Top10

  • Description: Installs the top 10 most popular Kali tools.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-top10

2. Kali-Linux-Default

  • Description: Installs the default set of tools that come with a standard Kali installation.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-default

3. Kali-Linux-All

  • Description: Installs all tools available in Kali Linux. This is the most comprehensive package.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-all

4. Kali-Linux-Large

  • Description: Installs a large collection of tools, but not as comprehensive as kali-linux-all.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-large

5. Kali-Linux-Everything

  • Description: Installs every single package Kali Linux has to offer. It’s similar to kali-linux-all but may include more additional utilities.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-everything

6. Kali-Linux-Web

  • Description: Installs tools specifically for web application testing.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-web

7. Kali-Linux-Forensic

  • Description: Installs tools used for forensic analysis.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-forensic

8. Kali-Linux-Password

  • Description: Installs tools related to password cracking.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-passwords

9. Kali-Linux-RFID

  • Description: Installs tools related to RFID analysis and attacks.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-rfid

10. Kali-Linux-GPU

  • Description: Installs tools optimized for GPU-based attacks.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-gpu

11. Kali-Linux-SDR

  • Description: Installs tools for Software Defined Radio (SDR) analysis.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-sdr

12. Kali-Linux-VoIP

  • Description: Installs tools for Voice over IP (VoIP) analysis.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-voip

13. Kali-Linux-Wireless

  • Description: Installs tools for wireless network analysis.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-wireless

14. Kali-Linux-Nethunter

  • Description: Installs tools specific to Kali Nethunter (for mobile penetration testing).
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-nethunter

15. Kali-Linux-Exploit

  • Description: Installs tools focused on exploit development and exploitation.
  • Command:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install kali-linux-exploit

These commands provide a tailored setup based on the specific needs of your projects or activities. Choose the metapackage that best fits your requirements, and you can always install multiple metapackages if needed.

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