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Hassan Sherwani
Hassan Sherwani

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Exploring the Exciting Possibilities of NVIDIA Megatron LM: A Fun and Friendly Code Walkthrough with PyTorch & NVIDIA Apex!

In the extensive realm of GenAI, large language models (LLMs) have captured remarkable attention for their capacity to execute tasks such as text generation, translation, and even intricate reasoning. NVIDIA's Megatron LM stands out as a superior tool in this domain, specifically crafted to adeptly train massive models with billions of parameters.
This write-up will attempt to explore NVIDIA Megatron LM, its architecture configuration, its uses in various applications, and a code walkthrough for training your own Megratron LM.

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A Friendly Intro to NVIDIA Megatron LM?

NVIDIA Megatron LM is a framework designed for training large transformer models that are optimized for distributed GPU architectures. It is built to scale across hundreds or thousands of GPUs, allowing efficient handling of models with billions of parameters. This makes it ideal for advanced natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

One of Megatron's core advantages is its ability to split training across GPUs and nodes, enabling faster training times and the ability to train very large models that would otherwise be computationally infeasible.

Key Features of Megatron LM

1. Scalable Training

Megatron supports data, model, and pipeline parallelism, which allows for efficient training of large models.

2. Mixed-Precision Training

Megatron uses NVIDIA’s AMP (Automatic Mixed Precision) to enhance training performance by reducing memory usage and accelerating computations.

3. Optimized for GPUs

Leveraging NVIDIA’s latest GPUs (such as A100 or V100), Megatron is tuned for maximum performance.

4. Transformer-based Architecture

Like many modern language models (e.g., GPT-3), Megatron is built on the transformer architecture, which has revolutionized the Natural Language domain.

Getting Started with NVIDIA Megatron LM

Now that you have a high-level understanding of Megatron LM, let's explore how to use it in practice.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

In order to train Megatron models, you will need access to a system with multiple GPUs. The recommended setup is a machine with an NVIDIA GPU and a minimum of 16GB of memory. You can use cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to set up instances with NVIDIA GPUs.

First, let's install the necessary libraries, which include PyTorch and NVIDIA's Apex library for mixed-precision training.

# Install necessary dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip

# Install PyTorch with GPU support
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url

# Clone Megatron LM repository
git clone
cd Megatron-LM

# Install Megatron LM dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Install NVIDIA Apex for mixed-precision training
git clone
cd apex
pip3 install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir ./
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Step 2: Preprocessing the Data

Megatron requires tokenized input data in a specific format, and datasets can be preprocessed using the provided tokenization scripts. In this example, we'll use an easy-to-go dataset that is, English Wikipedia.

# Download English Wikipedia data
bzip2 -d enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2

# Run preprocessing
python tools/ \
  --input enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml \
  --output-prefix my-wikipedia-data \
  --vocab-file gpt2-vocab.json \
  --merge-file gpt2-merges.txt \
  --dataset-impl mmap \
  --tokenizer-type GPT2BPETokenizer \
  --workers 4

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This command tokenizes the dataset and converts it into a suitable template for training with the Megatron LM model.

Step 3: Configuring the Model

Megatron LM provides a highly customizable setup. For example, you can adjust the number of transformer layers, model size, hidden size, and other parameters. Let's set up a simple transformer model with a small number of layers for demonstration purposes. In traditional machine learning workflows, we usually use a configuration pipeline, so our goal is to adhere to best practices.

# Configuration of an LLM model
python \
    --num-layers 12 \
    --hidden-size 768 \
    --num-attention-heads 12 \
    --micro-batch-size 4 \
    --global-batch-size 16 \
    --seq-length 1024 \
    --max-position-embeddings 1024 \
    --train-iters 10000 \
    --lr 0.0001 \
    --min-lr 1e-5 \
    --lr-decay-style cosine \
    --lr-decay-iters 320000 \
    --lr-warmup-fraction 0.01 \
    --adam-beta1 0.9 \
    --adam-beta2 0.95 \
    --adam-eps 1e-08 \
    --weight-decay 1e-2 \
    --clip-grad 1.0 \
    --tokenizer-type GPT2BPETokenizer \
    --vocab-file gpt2-vocab.json \
    --merge-file gpt2-merges.txt \
    --data-path ./my-wikipedia-data \
    --save ./checkpoints \
    --save-interval 1000 \
    --log-interval 100 \
    --fp16 \
    --tensor-model-parallel-size 1
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In this configuration:

  • num-layers defines the number of transformer layers.
  • hidden-size sets the size of the hidden layers in each transformer block.
  • global-batch-size specifies the overall batch size across all GPUs.
  • lr and lr-decay-style define the learning rate and its decay over time.
  • The model will checkpoint every 1,000 iterations, allowing you to resume training from the last checkpoint.

Step 4: Launching the Training Process

Once the model is set up, you can start training by executing the pretraining script, which is capable of handling both single-node and multi-node GPU setups.

python \
    --tensor-model-parallel-size 4 \
    --num-layers 24 \
    --hidden-size 1024 \
    --num-attention-heads 16 \
    --micro-batch-size 4 \
    --global-batch-size 32 \
    --seq-length 1024 \
    --train-iters 20000 \
    --lr 0.0001 \
    --data-path ./my-wikipedia-data \
    --save ./checkpoints \

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This setup will automatically distribute the training across 4 GPUs using model parallelism. The training process may take days or weeks, depending on the model size and GPU power. To get better computation, one might enhance GPU size or use parallel processing using RAPIDS(Refer to my blog):

Nvidia Integration with Databricks: Parallel processing for efficient ML solutions | by Hassan Sherwani | Oct, 2024 | Medium

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence(AI) and data science, speed and scalability are key. As models grow larger and…


Step 5: Fine-Tuning the Model

After pretraining, you might want to fine-tune the model for specific tasks such as text classification or question answering. Fine-tuning involves loading the pre-trained weights and further training on a smaller, task-specific dataset.

python tools/ \
    --pretrained-checkpoint ./checkpoints \
    --task TASK_NAME \
    --data-path ./task-specific-data \
    --num-layers 24 \
    --hidden-size 1024 \
    --num-attention-heads 16 \
    --seq-length 1024 \
    --train-iters 5000 \
    --lr 0.00001 \
    --global-batch-size 16 \

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Replace TASK_NAME with the name of the task (e.g., text generation, classification, Q&A chatbot etc), and the data path should point to the relevant dataset.


NVIDIA Megatron LM is a powerful tool for training massive language models, offering unparalleled scalability and performance. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can start building and training your own large language models, fine-tuning them for specific NLP tasks, and leveraging the cutting-edge advancements in the AI field.

With frameworks like Megatron LM, we are entering an era where language models can be used for truly transformative applications. These applications include real-time translation and generating human-like responses in conversation. Whether you are a researcher or a developer, experimenting with Megatron can lead to new possibilities in AI-driven innovation.

Stay tuned for more!


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