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Discussion on: How do you stay up to date with the latest developments in tech?

hasnaindev profile image
Muhammad Hasnain • Edited

Don't waste your time.

98% of the time this is just a waste of time. If you are a React developer, make sure you don't miss the feature/changelog they upload on a release. You could even watch a video or two but that should be enough if there is a breaking change.

Podcasts, newsletters and hundred other things drain your brain's glucose reserves which is not good. This might make you mistake being busy with being productive. We've been using WebPack for years, same goes for React, Laravel or Express.js.

Thus, I don't get the point of being so focused and up to date on the latest hypes. Instead, opt for reading a good book which teach timeless lessons. Refactory, Design Patterns, The Pragmatic Programmer etc.

EDIT: I see you are a beginner, perhaps when you are a complete newbie, getting to know the development-scape is actually good. medium, youtube channels like Traversy Media, the one and only Colt Steele. Follow these in any form you like, that's what I did.

josefine profile image
Josefine Schfr

Thanks for sharing your thoughts - makes sense to not get too distracted with all the noise.

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

I can't agree more. I was trying to keep up with everything at the beginning of my career, and it was a mistake. Many trends are just old concepts with a different name. Now, I try to focus on the big ideas.

I've a blog where I try to describe timeless concepts. Hope it helps!

drsimplegraffiti profile image
Abayomi Ogunnusi

You simply nailed it.....Every blessed week , you see new tutorial on different things that will almost make you want to abandon your old stack. Focus is the key.

amitkkhanchandani profile image

Simply to the point. 👌👌👌

Read books for understanding indepth and practice along.

New things will keep coming up. Build your solid foundation.