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Harsh Mishra
Harsh Mishra

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Backtracking, Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Fundamentals of Backtracking

Definition and Importance of Backtracking

Backtracking is a general algorithmic technique that incrementally builds candidates for the solution to a problem and abandons a candidate (backtracks) as soon as it determines that the candidate cannot possibly be completed to a valid solution. It is often used for solving constraint satisfaction problems, where the goal is to find a solution that satisfies a set of constraints.

Backtracking is important because it provides a systematic way to explore all possible solutions to a problem. It is particularly useful in situations where:

  • The problem requires finding all possible solutions.
  • The problem involves constraints that need to be satisfied.
  • Other algorithmic techniques, like dynamic programming or greedy algorithms, are not applicable or less efficient.

Basic Principles and Concepts

  1. Candidate Solution Construction:

    • Start with an empty partial solution.
    • Gradually add components to this partial solution until it becomes a complete solution.
  2. Feasibility Check:

    • After adding each new component, check if the partial solution is still feasible (i.e., it still has the potential to lead to a valid complete solution).
    • If it is not feasible, backtrack by removing the last added component and try the next possibility.
  3. Completeness Check:

    • Once a partial solution becomes a complete solution, check if it meets all the criteria of the problem.
  4. Backtracking:

    • If a partial solution cannot be extended to a complete valid solution, discard it and backtrack to the previous step to try another possibility.
  5. Recursive Structure:

    • Backtracking algorithms are often implemented using recursion, where each recursive call represents a step in the construction of the solution.

Comparison with Other Algorithmic Techniques

1. Brute Force:

  • Brute Force algorithms try all possible solutions without any form of optimization. They guarantee finding a solution if it exists but are typically inefficient for large problems.
  • Comparison: Backtracking can be seen as a refined brute force approach that eliminates many unnecessary possibilities early on through feasibility checks.

2. Greedy Algorithms:

  • Greedy Algorithms build a solution step by step, always choosing the next step that offers the most immediate benefit. They are generally faster but do not always guarantee an optimal solution.
  • Comparison: Backtracking, unlike greedy algorithms, explores all potential solutions and thus can guarantee finding an optimal solution, though it is usually slower.

3. Dynamic Programming (DP):

  • Dynamic Programming solves problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems and storing the solutions to these subproblems to avoid redundant calculations.
  • Comparison: Backtracking is more straightforward and generally easier to implement for constraint satisfaction problems, but DP is more efficient for optimization problems with overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure.

Recursive Backtracking

Understanding Recursion in the Context of Backtracking

Recursion is a fundamental concept in computer science where a function calls itself to solve a problem. In the context of backtracking, recursion helps explore all possible configurations of a solution space by breaking down the problem into smaller subproblems.

Backtracking leverages recursion to build potential solutions incrementally and explore them in a depth-first manner. The recursive function keeps track of the current state (partial solution) and decides whether to proceed with the current path or backtrack to explore other possibilities.

Base Case and Recursive Case

Base Case:

  • The base case is the condition under which the recursive function stops calling itself. In backtracking, the base case typically occurs when a complete solution has been constructed or when it is determined that no further progress can lead to a valid solution.
  • Example: In generating permutations, the base case is when the length of the current permutation equals the length of the input set.

Recursive Case:

  • The recursive case is the part of the function where the function calls itself with modified parameters to explore further possibilities.
  • Example: In generating permutations, the recursive case involves choosing an element, adding it to the current permutation, and then recursively generating permutations of the remaining elements.

Example for Backtracking

Backtracking is a recursive algorithmic technique used for solving problems incrementally by trying out possible solutions and eliminating those that fail to meet the criteria at any point of time. This approach is particularly useful in constraint satisfaction problems, combinatorial optimization problems, and puzzle solving.


To generate all combinations of a given set of elements, we can use backtracking. Here’s a C++ implementation:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Recursive function to generate all combinations
void generateCombinations(vector<int>& elements, int start, vector<int>& path, vector<vector<int>>& result) {
    result.push_back(path);  // Add the current combination to the result
    for (int i = start; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
        path.push_back(elements[i]);  // Choose the current element
        generateCombinations(elements, i + 1, path, result);  // Explore further combinations
        path.pop_back();  // Backtrack

vector<vector<int>> getCombinations(vector<int>& elements) {
    vector<vector<int>> result;
    vector<int> path;
    generateCombinations(elements, 0, path, result);
    return result;

int main() {
    vector<int> elements = {1, 2, 3};
    vector<vector<int>> combinations = getCombinations(elements);

    cout << "Combinations:\n";
    for (auto& combination : combinations) {
        cout << "{ ";
        for (int num : combination) {
            cout << num << " ";
        cout << "}\n";
    return 0;
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To generate all permutations of a given set of elements, we can also use backtracking. Here’s a C++ implementation:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Recursive function to generate all permutations
void generatePermutations(vector<int>& elements, vector<bool>& chosen, vector<int>& path, vector<vector<int>>& result) {
    if (path.size() == elements.size()) {
        result.push_back(path);  // Base case: Add the current permutation to the result
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
        if (chosen[i]) continue;
        chosen[i] = true;  // Mark the element as chosen
        path.push_back(elements[i]);  // Choose the current element
        generatePermutations(elements, chosen, path, result);  // Explore further permutations
        path.pop_back();  // Backtrack
        chosen[i] = false;  // Unmark the element

vector<vector<int>> getPermutations(vector<int>& elements) {
    vector<vector<int>> result;
    vector<bool> chosen(elements.size(), false);
    vector<int> path;
    generatePermutations(elements, chosen, path, result);
    return result;

int main() {
    vector<int> elements = {1, 2, 3};
    vector<vector<int>> permutations = getPermutations(elements);

    cout << "Permutations:\n";
    for (auto& permutation : permutations) {
        cout << "{ ";
        for (int num : permutation) {
            cout << num << " ";
        cout << "}\n";
    return 0;
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Knapsack Problem (Maximize Profit)

The Knapsack problem can also be solved using backtracking. The goal is to find the maximum value of items that can be put into a knapsack with a given weight capacity. Here’s a C++ implementation:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Recursive function to solve the knapsack problem using backtracking
void knapsackBacktracking(vector<int>& weights, vector<int>& values, int maxWeight, int index, int currentWeight, int currentValue, int& maxValue) {
    // Base case: If we have considered all items
    if (index == weights.size()) {
        maxValue = max(maxValue, currentValue);  // Update the maximum value if the current value is greater

    // Case 1: Exclude the current item and move to the next item
    knapsackBacktracking(weights, values, maxWeight, index + 1, currentWeight, currentValue, maxValue);

    // Case 2: Include the current item if it does not exceed the maximum weight
    if (currentWeight + weights[index] <= maxWeight) {
        knapsackBacktracking(weights, values, maxWeight, index + 1, currentWeight + weights[index], currentValue + values[index], maxValue);

int main() {
    vector<int> weights = {2, 3, 4, 5};
    vector<int> values = {3, 4, 5, 6};
    int maxWeight = 5;
    int maxValue = 0;

    knapsackBacktracking(weights, values, maxWeight, 0, 0, 0, maxValue);

    cout << "Maximum value that can be obtained: " << maxValue << endl;
    return 0;
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Knapsack Problem (All Subsets with Maximum Value)

Finding all subsets of items that yield the maximum profit without exceeding the knapsack capacity involves backtracking.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Function to solve 0/1 Knapsack problem and find all subsets with maximum profit
void knapsackAllMaxValueSubsets(vector<int>& weights, vector<int>& profits, int capacity, int index, int currentWeight, int currentProfit, int& maxProfit, vector<int>& path, vector<vector<int>>& result) {
    // Base case: If all items are considered
    if (index == weights.size()) {
        if (currentProfit > maxProfit) {
            maxProfit = currentProfit;  // Update maximum profit if current profit is greater
            result.clear();  // Clear previous subsets with lesser profit
        if (currentProfit == maxProfit) {
            result.push_back(path);  // Add the current subset to the result

    // Case 1: Exclude the current item and move to the next item
    knapsackAllMaxValueSubsets(weights, profits, capacity, index + 1, currentWeight, currentProfit, maxProfit, path, result);

    // Case 2: Include the current item if it does not exceed the knapsack capacity
    if (currentWeight + weights[index] <= capacity) {
        path.push_back(index);  // Include the index (item) in the current subset
        knapsackAllMaxValueSubsets(weights, profits, capacity, index + 1, currentWeight + weights[index], currentProfit + profits[index], maxProfit, path, result);
        path.pop_back();  // Backtrack

vector<vector<int>> getAllMaxValueSubsets(vector<int>& weights, vector<int>& profits, int capacity) {
    vector<vector<int>> result;
    vector<int> path;
    int maxProfit = 0;

    knapsackAllMaxValueSubsets(weights, profits, capacity, 0, 0, 0, maxProfit, path, result);
    return result;

int main() {
    vector<int> weights = {2, 3, 4, 5};
    vector<int> profits = {3, 4, 5, 6};
    int capacity = 7;

    vector<vector<int>> subsets = getAllMaxValueSubsets(weights, profits, capacity);

    cout << "Subsets with maximum profit (" << subsets.size() << " subsets):\n";
    for (auto& subset : subsets) {
        cout << "{ ";
        for (int index : subset) {
            cout << index << " ";
        cout << "}\n";

    return 0;
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Subset Sum Equal to K Problem

Finding all subsets of an array that sum up to a given value K involves exploring all possible subsets of the array.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Function to find all subsets with sum equal to target using backtracking
void findSubsetsWithSum(vector<int>& nums, int index, int remainingSum, vector<int>& path, vector<vector<int>>& result) {
    if (remainingSum == 0) {
        result.push_back(path);  // Base case: Found a subset with sum equal to target
    if (remainingSum < 0 || index >= nums.size()) {
        return;  // Stop recursion if remaining sum is negative or all elements are processed

    // Include current element
    findSubsetsWithSum(nums, index + 1, remainingSum - nums[index], path, result);
    path.pop_back();  // Backtrack

    // Exclude current element
    findSubsetsWithSum(nums, index + 1, remainingSum, path, result);

vector<vector<int>> getSubsetsWithSum(vector<int>& nums, int targetSum) {
    vector<vector<int>> result;
    vector<int> path;
    findSubsetsWithSum(nums, 0, targetSum, path, result);
    return result;

int main() {
    vector<int> nums = {2, 3, 5, 7, 8};
    int targetSum = 10;
    vector<vector<int>> subsets = getSubsetsWithSum(nums, targetSum);

    cout << "Subsets with sum " << targetSum << ":\n";
    for (auto& subset : subsets) {
        cout << "{ ";
        for (int num : subset) {
            cout << num << " ";
        cout << "}\n";
    return 0;
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