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Cover image for How to use Chart.js in React
Harshil Parmar
Harshil Parmar

Posted on • Updated on

How to use Chart.js in React

Liquid syntax error: Variable '{{ labels: props.chartLabels, datasets: [ { data: props.chartData, label: "Activity", borderColor: "#3333ff", fill: true, backgroundColor: "#CAA6DB", }' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\}\}/

Top comments (10)

wolfdominion profile image

Thanks for making a clear and well-documented tutorial. Super helpful!

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

I glad you liked it 😊

sakhnyuk profile image
Michael Sakhniuk

Nice article πŸ‘

To get highlighted code in Markdown you can do like this:
code example

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Thanks...!! I'm glad you liked it πŸ˜€ I will use that markdown in next article.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

There is also an Editor Guide for more comprehensive examples (embeding youtube, codesandbox etc) you could check out~

Thread Thread
harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Thanks !!!

uma profile image

This is amazing. I was always curious about how charts works from scratch? This article is definitely helpful.

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

I glad you like it πŸ™Œ

phutngo profile image
Phu Ngo

What are your thoughts on using react wrapper vs using chartjs directly?

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Sorry for late reply @phutngo. Sorry I don't have an idea regarding React wrapper.