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Harsha S
Harsha S

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Day 13 Final Year Project Work, OOPs & Leetcode

Today was a good productive day, I got 3 sessions in.

I did some final year project work, I was trying to figure out the accuracy of the model, I watched some videos and tried ChatGPT but I could not find it. I will try again tomorrow or ask a friend.

After that I did some OOPS, I am following the list given in this leetcode post ('T-SKIP-or-INTERVIEW-PREPARATION-or-STUDY-PLAN ) I did topic 1, Classes and Objects. While doing this, I got sidetracked and ended up studying static in more detail, while this is good. I believe getting sidetracked is not efficient as I should have stuck to the topic at hand (static will be covered later anyways)

Then I had a call with a friend and helped my mother set up stuff for diwali, my friend talking about jobs got me scared a bit but as my mother said, "Keep Studying". Then I solved that group anagrams questions and watched videos on defaultdict and ord() in python.

I will continue to work hard and get a good job someday.

Leetcode:- 2/30

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