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Harsh Bansal
Harsh Bansal

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Implementing OAuth with GraphQL in Apollo Server: A Comprehensive Guide


When building applications with Apollo Server, integrating OAuth authentication with GraphQL can be a challenging task. This guide aims to provide you with a robust tech stack and a clear understanding of how to set up OAuth with GraphQL in Apollo Server. By following these steps, you'll be able to enhance the security and user experience of your GraphQL API.

Designing Strategy

Certainly! Here's a description of a Google strategy that utilizes the Google Console to establish a connection and generate a login link. Additionally, it facilitates the redirection of user data, enabling you to store the information in a database.

The proposed Google strategy involves integrating with the Google Console API to leverage its authentication and authorization mechanisms. By following the Google Console API documentation and guidelines, you can implement the necessary steps to establish a connection between your application and the Google Console.

Once the connection is established, you can initiate the authentication process by generating a login link. This link, when provided to the users, will redirect them to the Google authentication page. Users will be prompted to enter their Google credentials and grant permission to access their data.

After the user successfully authenticates and grants permission, Google will redirect them back to your application, along with an authorization code or access token. Your application can then retrieve this code or token and use it to make authorized requests to the Google APIs.

To store user data in a database, you'll need to define the required database schema and tables to capture the relevant information. When the user is redirected back to your application, you can extract the necessary data from the authorization code or access token, such as their email, name, profile picture, or any other desired information.

Once you have extracted the user data, you can then utilize your chosen programming language or framework to interact with the database. This may involve executing database queries, inserting or updating records, and ensuring proper data storage and retrieval.

By combining the Google Console API, authentication process, data extraction from authorization codes or access tokens, and interaction with the database, you can effectively establish a Google strategy that connects to your Google Console, provides a login link, and enables the storage of user information in a database.

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Implementing Resolvers

The resolver will consist of both Query and Mutation.

The Query will provide an OAuth link, which can be utilized to access Google login by entering the credentials and obtaining a code for accessing user data.

The Mutation is employed to retrieve specific information, such as email, name, profile picture, or any other desired data, by sending a request to an API with the provided code.

This setup allows for the retrieval of user information through the appropriate authentication and authorization processes.

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This is query which we hit for getting link
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As you will get the code like this

but %2F is ASCII Encoding so you have to change this to


and than apply in mutation code field

Mutation for getting a specific data
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Handling response by service

After hitting mutation you will get the specific data which you have to handle by services

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Thanks :-)

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