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Hargun Singh
Hargun Singh

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Why the "this" Keyword Behaves Differently in Regular Functions and Arrow Functions

The this keyword in JavaScript can be confusing because it behaves differently in regular functions and arrow functions. In this blog post, we will explain how this works in both types of functions, explore why these differences exist, and provide the basic knowledge you need to understand this in JavaScript.

Regular Functions

Regular functions in JavaScript are defined using the function keyword. The value of this in these functions depends on how the function is called. Here are several examples:

1. Global Context

  • Non-Strict Mode:
  function regularFunction() {

  regularFunction(); // Logs the global object (window in browsers)
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  • Explanation: In non-strict mode, when a function is called in the global context (not as a method of an object), this refers to the global object (window in browsers or global in Node.js).

    • Strict Mode:
  'use strict';

  function regularFunction() {

  regularFunction(); // Logs undefined
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  • Explanation: In strict mode, this remains undefined when a function is called in the global context, providing a safer environment by preventing accidental modifications to the global object.

2. Method Call

When a function is called as a method of an object, this refers to that object.

  • Example:
  const obj = {
      method: function() {

  obj.method(); // Logs obj
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  • Explanation: In this case, this points to obj because the function is called as a method of obj.

    • Strict Mode: The behavior remains the same in strict mode.

3. Constructor Call

When a function is used as a constructor (called with the new keyword), this refers to the newly created instance.

  • Example:
  function Person(name) { = name;
      this.sayHello = function() {
          console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}`);

  const person1 = new Person('Alice');
  person1.sayHello(); // Logs "Hello, my name is Alice"

  const person2 = new Person('Bob');
  person2.sayHello(); // Logs "Hello, my name is Bob"
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  • Explanation: When called with new, this inside the Person constructor function refers to the new instance being created. Each new instance (person1 and person2) gets its own name property and sayHello method.

    • Strict Mode: The behavior remains the same in strict mode.

4. Explicit Binding

You can explicitly bind this using call, apply, or bind.

  • Example:
  function regularFunction() {

  const obj = { value: 42 };;  // Logs obj
  regularFunction.apply(obj); // Logs obj

  const boundFunction = regularFunction.bind(obj);
  boundFunction();            // Logs obj
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  • Explanation: call and apply immediately invoke the function with this set to obj, while bind creates a new function with this permanently bound to obj.

    • Strict Mode: The behavior remains the same in strict mode.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions, introduced in ES6, do not have their own this context. Instead, they inherit this from the surrounding (lexical) scope. This makes arrow functions useful in certain situations.

1. Lexical this

Arrow functions inherit this from the scope in which they are defined.

  • Non-Strict Mode:
  const arrowFunction = () => {

  arrowFunction(); // Logs the global object (window in browsers)
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  • Explanation: Arrow functions do not have their own this; they use this from the surrounding scope. Here, it refers to the global object because the function is defined in the global scope.

    • Strict Mode:
  'use strict';

  const arrowFunction = () => {

  arrowFunction(); // Logs undefined
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  • Explanation: In strict mode, if the surrounding scope is global, this remains undefined as inherited from the surrounding scope.

2. Method Call

Unlike regular functions, arrow functions do not get their own this when called as methods. They inherit this from the enclosing scope.

  • Example:
  const obj = {
      method: () => {

  obj.method(); // Logs the global object (window in browsers) or undefined in strict mode
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  • Explanation: Arrow functions do not bind their own this but inherit it from the lexical scope. In this example, this refers to the global object or undefined in strict mode, not obj.

    • Strict Mode: Logs undefined, not obj.

3. Arrow Function Inside Another Function

When an arrow function is defined inside another function, it inherits this from the outer function.

  • Example:
  function outerFunction() {
      const arrowFunction = () => {


  const obj = { value: 42, outerFunction: outerFunction };

  obj.outerFunction(); // Logs obj, because `this` in arrowFunction is inherited from outerFunction
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  • Explanation: In this case, this inside the arrow function refers to the same this as in outerFunction, which is obj.

    • Strict Mode: The behavior remains the same in strict mode.

4. Arrow Function in Event Handlers

Arrow functions in event handlers inherit this from the surrounding lexical scope, not from the element that triggers the event.

  • Example:
  const button = document.querySelector('button');

  button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  }); // Logs the global object (window in browsers) or undefined in strict mode
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  • Explanation: The arrow function does not bind this to the button element; it inherits it from the surrounding scope, which is the global scope or undefined in strict mode.

    • Strict Mode: Logs undefined, not the button element.

Why These Differences?

The difference between regular functions and arrow functions lies in how they handle this:

  • Regular Functions: The value of this is dynamic and determined by the call-site (how the function is called).
  • Arrow Functions: The value of this is lexical and set at the time the function is defined, based on the this value of the enclosing execution context.

Key Concepts to Understand

To understand the behavior of this in JavaScript, you need to know the following concepts:

  1. Execution Context: The context in which code is executed, affecting how this is determined.
  2. Call-site: The location in code where a function is called, influencing the value of this in regular functions.
  3. Lexical Scoping: How this is inherited in arrow functions from the surrounding scope.
  4. Strict Mode: How strict mode changes the default behavior of this in certain contexts.


  • Regular Functions: this is dynamic and determined by the call-site.
  • Arrow Functions: this is lexical and determined by the surrounding scope when the function is defined.

Understanding these distinctions will help you write more predictable and maintainable JavaScript code. Whether you're using regular functions or arrow functions, knowing how this works is crucial for effective JavaScript development.

Your Turn!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with the this keyword. Have you encountered any tricky situations where the behavior of this caused unexpected results?

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