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Hardique Dasore
Hardique Dasore

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How to reduce cognitive complexity of a function?

The cognitive complexity of a function increases if:

  1. There are multiple nested structures (like “if else” conditions)

  2. If there is flow-breaking code (like “for” loops)

The cognitive complexity of JavaScript/TypeScript can be assessed using the SonarLint extension in Visual Studio Code.

In order to reduce the cognitive complexity of a function, the developer has to simplify the code using shorthand for collapsing multiple statements into one.

Ways to reduce the Cognitive Complexity

1. Move repeated Code/nested if else to a separate function
In order to simplify nest if else conditions, we can move the repeated code to a separate function. We can also move the nest conditions to a separate function.



//We can move the nest if to a separate function


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2. Use Ternary Operator
Use ternary operator instead of if-else loop if you have 2 conditions.

      return true 
      return false

//Ternary operator for the above if else condition

      return condition? true: false
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3. Avoid if-else loops for always truthy or falsy conditions
This is one of the mistakes a lot of newbie developers make. Please avoid using if else loops for statements that always return a constant boolean value (true or false).

4. Use Array.includes() instead of multiple ‘or’ conditions in if else loops
Convert all the conditions to a array and then use .includes().

//condition with multiple 'or' conditions
if(fruit === 'apple' || fruit === 'mango'){}

//convert to array to use includes
const fruitList = ['apple', 'mango']
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5. Optional Chaining
We use ?. to avoid error in a property located deep in a chain of objects instead of if check.

const car= {
  manufacturer: 'Ford',
  model: {
    year: 2012,
    color: 'Red'

const carName = car.specs.warranty; 
// this will break the code as specs is undefined

const carName = car.specs?.warranty; 
// this will output undefined
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6. Setting default value using selector operator
In order to set a default value of a variable, we can use the selector operator ||.

 variable = variable || 'default value'
 // this will return default value if variable is false 
   (null or undefined). 
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Aryan Agrawal

Helpful!!! 👏👏👏