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Set Up Android Sdk Command Line Tools without Android Studio

Case01: Set Up for the Android Emulator

  1. Download the Android SDK Command-Line Tools

  2. Install the necessary tools:

    # create a directory for the cli-tools, and move the .zip file into the directory
    mkdir android_sdk
    cd android_sdk
    # unzip the downloaded file, and put the contents in the new directory 'latest/'
    unzip commandlinetools-<YOUR_PLATFORM>
    mkdir cmdline-tools/latest
    cd cmdline-tools/latest
    mv ../* .
    # The hierarchy of the 'android_sdk/':
    └- android_sdk/
     ├- cmdline-tools/
        ├- latest/
           ├- bin/
           ├- lib/
           ├- NOTICE.txt
    # Install platform and build tools
    # You can fetch the complete list of available packages via:
    bin/sdkmanager --list
    # Install the desired package and tools via:
    bin/sdkmanager --install "system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64"
    # The above command will download and install the tools in the sdk_root (android_sdk/)
  3. Download and install the Emulator:

    bin/sdkmanager --install "emulator" 
  4. Create a new avd device:

    bin/avdmanager create avd -n mytestdevice -k "system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64"
  5. Check if the avd device is available:

    # go to the 'emulator/' directory, and run the command
    cd ../../emulator
    ./emulator -list-avds
    # Now you should see your newly created avd device `mytestdevice`
  6. Run the emulator

    ./emulator -avd mytestdevice

Case02: Set Up for a real Android Device

  1. Go to the official site and download the SDK Platform-Tools

  2. Unzip the .zip file. You can find the adb binary within the extracted directory.

    cd platform-tools
    # Show every available Android device
    ./adb devices

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