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Hamza Khan
Hamza Khan

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How to Do Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in Next.js

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Next.js is a React framework that offers built-in support for Server-Side Rendering (SSR). SSR can improve performance and SEO by rendering pages on the server, ensuring search engines can index them easily.

1. What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR)?
Server-side rendering (SSR) involves generating the HTML for a page on the server upon each request, rather than in the browser. This pre-rendered HTML is sent to the client, ensuring quicker page loads and better SEO for dynamic pages.

2. How SSR Works in Next.js
Next.js handles SSR using the getServerSideProps function. When a page uses this function, it becomes server-rendered. This means that every request to that page triggers a fresh HTML response from the server.

3. Setting Up SSR in Next.js
Follow these steps to implement SSR:

Step 1: Create a Next.js Page

First, make sure you have a Next.js page component:

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Step 2: Use getServerSideProps for SSR
To enable SSR, create a page component and export the getServerSideProps function in the same file:

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  • The getServerSideProps function runs on the server for every request, fetching data dynamically before rendering the page.
  • The fetched data is passed as props to the page component (SSRPage), where it is rendered into the HTML.

4. Benefits of Using SSR in Next.js
Improved SEO: Since the page is fully rendered on the server before being sent to the client, search engines can crawl and index the content more easily.

Fast Initial Load: Pre-rendering on the server ensures that the client receives fully rendered HTML, reducing the initial load time.

Dynamic Content: SSR is ideal for pages that rely on frequently updated or user-specific data (e.g., dashboards, product pages).

5. Performance Considerations
While SSR improves SEO and the initial load, there are some trade-offs:

Server Load: SSR can increase the load on your server because a new HTML page is generated for each request.

Slower Rendering for Dynamic Pages: If your page fetches data from an external API, the time taken for that API call can increase the total render time.

6. When to Use SSR in Next.js?
You should use SSR when:

  • You need dynamic content that changes frequently.
  • SEO is a top priority, especially for public-facing pages like blogs or e-commerce product pages.
  • You need to provide personalized content based on user data or location.

7. Alternatives to SSR
Next.js also supports Static Site Generation (SSG) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR):

  • SSG: Pre-renders pages are available at build time, which is ideal for pages that don’t change frequently.
  • CSR: Renders content in the browser after the initial HTML load, suitable for user-specific data after initial load.

Using SSR in Next.js with getServerSideProps allows you to dynamically render pages on the server, improving SEO and initial load performance for dynamic content. SSR is a great option for applications that need frequently updated content or personalization.

Follow for more tips on Next.js, SSR, and web development!

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