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Hamza Saidu
Hamza Saidu

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Exploring Basic Data Structures and Their Applications in LeetCode Problems

Data structures are the bedrock of computer science, offering essential methods for organizing and managing data efficiently. Understanding these structures is crucial for optimizing performance and solving complex computational problems. In this blog post, we'll delve deeply into three fundamental data structures: Arrays, Linked Lists, and Stacks. Each of these structures has unique characteristics and is suited to specific types of tasks and problems.

Arrays are one of the most basic data structures, characterized by their fixed size and contiguous memory allocation. They provide fast access to elements through index-based addressing, making them ideal for scenarios where the size of the data set is known in advance. Arrays excel in scenarios requiring frequent access to elements but can be inefficient when it comes to resizing or inserting elements in the middle.

Linked Lists offer a dynamic alternative to arrays, characterized by their ability to grow and shrink in size as needed. Unlike arrays, linked lists consist of nodes where each node points to the next one in the sequence. This structure is highly flexible and allows for efficient insertions and deletions from any part of the list. However, accessing elements can be slower compared to arrays, as it requires traversing the list from the beginning to the desired node.

Stacks are a specialized data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. They are used to manage data in a way that the most recently added element is the first one to be removed. Stacks are crucial in scenarios such as reversing strings, parsing expressions, and managing function calls in recursion. Their simple yet powerful operations make them indispensable in many algorithmic contexts.

In this blog post, we’ll not only explore the characteristics and operations of these data structures but also examine their applications through practical examples and problems, particularly focusing on solving various LeetCode problems. By understanding how and when to use each data structure, you'll be better equipped to tackle coding challenges and optimize your algorithms effectively. We'll provide insights into how these structures can be leveraged to improve efficiency and performance in real-world applications.

1. Arrays

Introduction to Arrays

An array is a fundamental data structure that consists of a collection of elements, each identified by an index or key. Arrays are essential in programming due to their simplicity and efficiency. They store elements in contiguous memory locations, which allows for constant-time access to any element when its index is known. This characteristic makes arrays a powerful tool for various computational tasks, from basic algorithms to complex data processing.


  • Fixed Size: The size of an array is set during its creation and cannot be altered thereafter. This means that the array must be allocated with a predetermined number of elements, which can lead to inefficiencies if the size estimate is incorrect. For dynamic data needs, other data structures might be preferred.

  • Indexed Access: Arrays use a zero-based indexing system, meaning the first element is accessed with index 0, the second with index 1, and so on. This direct access method allows for quick retrieval and manipulation of data, which is ideal for algorithms requiring frequent element access.

  • Homogeneous Elements: Typically, arrays store elements of the same data type. This uniformity simplifies processing and ensures that all elements occupy the same amount of memory, facilitating efficient operations.

Basic Operations:

Accessing Elements: Arrays provide constant-time access to elements through their indices, making operations like lookups and updates very efficient. This direct access is a significant advantage in scenarios requiring rapid data retrieval.

Insertion and Deletion: While accessing elements is fast, inserting or deleting elements can be costly in terms of time and resources. When inserting or deleting an element, elements may need to be shifted to maintain the array's order, which can lead to performance overhead, especially for large arrays. To handle dynamic data, other structures like lists or dynamic arrays may be used to mitigate these issues.

Advanced Considerations:

Arrays are foundational to many complex data structures and algorithms. For instance, understanding arrays is crucial for grasping concepts like sorting algorithms, searching techniques, and dynamic programming. Arrays also form the basis for multidimensional structures such as matrices, which are widely used in fields like graphics and scientific computing. However, their fixed size can be a limitation for certain applications, leading to the development and use of more flexible data structures like dynamic arrays and linked lists.

Application: Group Anagrams

Leetcode Problem Group Anagrams

The problem of grouping anagrams is a classic example of how effective data structure utilization can simplify complex problems. The goal is to take an array of strings and group together all anagrams—words that are permutations of each other. An anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word, such as "listen" and "silent."

Problem Definition:

Given an array of strings, your task is to group all anagrams together. For example, given the input ["eat", "tea", "tan", "ate", "nat", "bat"], the output should be [['eat', 'tea', 'ate'], ['tan', 'nat'], ['bat']]. Each sub-array contains strings that are anagrams of each other.

Link to Solution

The solution to this problem can be efficiently implemented using a combination of sorting and hash maps. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the approach:


Sorting as a Key:

Sort Each String: To group anagrams, we can leverage the fact that anagrams, when sorted, will yield the same string. For instance, both "listen" and "silent" will sort to "eilnst". By sorting each string, we convert it into a canonical form that can be used as a key for grouping.

Hash Map for Grouping:

Use a Hash Map: Utilize a hash map (or dictionary) to map the sorted string (key) to a list of anagrams (values). The sorted string serves as the key, and the list accumulates all strings that match this key.

Update Hash Map: Iterate through the array of strings. For each string, sort it and use the sorted version as a key to check in the hash map. If the key exists, append the original string to the corresponding list; if not, create a new entry in the hash map.

Collect Results:

Extract Groups: Once all strings have been processed, extract the lists of anagrams from the hash map. Each list represents a group of anagrams.

Implementation Steps:

  • Initialize an empty hash map.
  • For each string in the input array:
  • Sort the string to generate a key.
  • Use the key to update the hash map with the current string.

After processing all strings, gather the values (lists of anagrams) from the hash map.

Return the grouped anagrams as the final result.

2. Linked Lists

Introduction to Linked Lists

A linked list is a linear data structure where elements are organized into a sequence of nodes, with each node pointing to the next in the list. Unlike arrays, linked lists do not require contiguous memory locations for storage. This feature provides flexibility and efficiency in managing dynamic data sets, making linked lists a valuable tool in various programming scenarios.


  • Dynamic Size: Linked lists are inherently dynamic in size, allowing them to grow or shrink as needed. This is achieved by allocating or deallocating memory for nodes as elements are added or removed. Unlike arrays, which require a fixed size, linked lists can efficiently handle varying data sizes and are particularly useful when the number of elements is unknown or changes frequently.

  • Pointers: Each node in a linked list contains a reference or pointer to the next node in the sequence. This linkage forms the chain-like structure of the list, enabling traversal from the head (first node) to the tail (last node). The use of pointers allows for flexible insertion and deletion operations without the need to shift elements, as in arrays.

  • No Random Access: One of the primary distinctions between linked lists and arrays is that linked lists do not support direct or random access. To access a specific element, you must traverse the list sequentially from the beginning. This can make operations like searching for an element or accessing a particular index less efficient compared to arrays, where direct index-based access is available.

Basic Operations:

  • Traversal: Traversal involves moving from one node to the next, starting from the head of the list. This operation is essential for accessing or processing all elements in the list. While traversal is straightforward, it can be time-consuming for large lists due to the need to visit each node sequentially.

  • *Insertion: * Adding a new node to a linked list can be done at the beginning (prepending), the end (appending), or in the middle (inserting at a specific position). Each type of insertion requires updating pointers to maintain the integrity of the list. Insertion operations are generally efficient because they do not require shifting elements, but they do require careful pointer manipulation.

  • Deletion: Removing a node from a linked list involves updating the pointers of adjacent nodes to bypass the node being removed. This operation can be performed at the beginning, end, or any position in the list. Deletion operations are efficient in terms of time complexity but require handling special cases, such as removing the head or tail node.

Advanced Considerations:

Linked lists come in various forms, including singly linked lists (where each node has a pointer to the next node), doubly linked lists (where nodes have pointers to both the next and previous nodes), and circular linked lists (where the last node points back to the head). Each variant offers different advantages and use cases. Doubly linked lists, for example, provide more flexible bidirectional traversal, while circular linked lists are useful in applications requiring circular iterations.

Application: Reverse Linked List

LeetCode Problem: Reverse Linked List

Reversing a linked list is a fundamental problem in data structures and algorithms. The challenge involves modifying a singly linked list so that the direction of the links is reversed. This means that the head of the list becomes the tail, and each node's link points to its previous node rather than the next one.

Problem Definition:

Given a singly linked list, your task is to reverse the list in-place. For example, if the input list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5, the output should be 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1. The problem requires reversing the list without using additional data structures to store nodes.

Link to Solution

The solution to reversing a linked list can be approached using an iterative or recursive method. Here’s a detailed breakdown of both methods:


Iterative Method:

  • Initialization: Start with three pointers: prev (initially None), current (initially pointing to the head of the list), and next (used to temporarily store the next node).

  • **Traversal and Reversal: **Iterate through the list. For each node, store the next node, reverse the link by pointing the current node’s next to prev, then move prev and current one step forward.

  • Update Head: Once the iteration is complete, update the head of the list to point to prev, which is now the new head of the reversed list.

Recursive Method:

Base Case: If the list is empty or has only one node, return the node (the reversed list is the same as the input).

Recursive Case: Reverse the rest of the list recursively. Adjust the links so that the next node’s next points back to the current node.

Update Head: Ensure the head of the list is updated to the new head returned by the recursive call.

3. Stacks

Introduction to Stacks

A stack is a fundamental linear data structure that adheres to the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the most recently added element is the first one to be removed. Stacks are integral to many algorithms and data processing tasks, providing a way to manage and process data in a specific, predictable order. Their behaviour is analogous to a stack of plates: you add new plates to the top and also remove them from the top.


  • LIFO Principle: The LIFO principle is the core of stack functionality. It ensures that the most recently added element is always the first to be removed. This behaviour is critical in scenarios where the most recent operation needs to be prioritized over earlier ones. For example, this principle is essential in managing function calls and recursive algorithms, where the last function call must be completed before the previous ones can resume.

  • Operations: Stacks are characterized by two primary operations: push and pop. The push operation adds an element to the top of the stack, while the pop operation removes the top element. An additional operation, peek, allows you to view the top element without modifying the stack. These operations are typically performed in constant time, O(1), which contributes to the stack’s efficiency and effectiveness in managing data.

Basic Operations:

  • Push: The push operation involves placing an element on the top of the stack. This operation is straightforward and efficient, executed in constant time. It modifies the stack’s top pointer to include the new element, expanding the stack by one element. This operation is crucial for adding new data to be processed or managed.

  • Pop: The pop operation removes the element from the top of the stack. Like push, this operation is performed in constant time and involves updating the stack’s top pointer to exclude the removed element. This operation is essential for removing and processing the most recent element. If the stack is empty, attempting to pop will result in an underflow condition, which must be handled to avoid errors.

  • Peek: The peek operation allows you to examine the top element of the stack without removing it. This operation is useful for scenarios where you need to access the most recent element without altering the stack’s structure. Peek helps in making decisions based on the top element or in debugging scenarios where the current state of the stack needs to be reviewed.

Advanced Considerations:

Stacks are versatile and used in a variety of contexts beyond the Minimum Window Substring problem. They are crucial in algorithms for parsing expressions, implementing undo functionalities in applications, managing function calls in recursion and many other computational tasks. Their LIFO nature makes them ideal for scenarios where the most recent data or operations need to be processed first.

stacks offer a robust and efficient method for managing data in a specific order, making them indispensable in computer science. Their application in problems like the Minimum Window Substring demonstrates their practical utility and importance in solving complex computational challenges.

Application: Minimum Window Substring

In the context of solving the "Minimum Window Substring" problem from LeetCode, stacks are instrumental in managing and optimizing the current window of characters while traversing through string s. The problem is defined as follows:

Application: Minimum Window Substring

Leetcode Problem Minimum Window Substring:

Given two strings, s and t, the task is to find the minimum window in s which will contain all the characters in t. The goal is to determine the smallest substring in s that contains all characters from t with the correct frequency.

Link to Solution

Stacks can be leveraged to efficiently track characters and manage the current window as follows:

  • Track Characters: Utilize a stack to keep track of characters in the current window and their positions within the string s. As you traverse s, push characters onto the stack while maintaining their positions. This helps in dynamically adjusting the window to find the smallest valid substring.

  • Manage Window: Update the stack as you identify characters that are part of string t. By managing the stack, you can adjust the window size to include all characters from t, ensuring the smallest window is identified. The stack’s ability to manage recent additions efficiently aids in dynamically resizing and optimizing the window.

  • Optimize: By using a stack, you efficiently manage character positions and maintain a dynamic view of the current window. This approach allows for quick adjustments to the window size, facilitating the identification of the minimum window that satisfies the problem’s requirements.

Ending Remarks:

Understanding and effectively using basic data structures such as Arrays, Linked Lists, and Stacks is crucial for solving a wide range of problems in computer science and programming. By exploring these structures and applying them to solve LeetCode problems, we gain insights into their practical applications and benefits.

Arrays provide efficient access and are suitable for problems like grouping anagrams. Linked lists offer dynamic size and efficient insertions, making them ideal for interval insertion problems. Stacks follow the LIFO principle, helping in scenarios like finding the minimum window substring.

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