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Hamza Darouzi
Hamza Darouzi

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Optimal Entity Retrieval in .NET 8 : FindAsync vs. FirstOrDefaultAsync

Improving Performance .NET8

In the realm of .NET 8 , developers often face choices when it comes to retrieving entities from a database, especially when working with primary keys (PK) or identity fields. Two commonly used methods for this purpose are FindAsync and FirstOrDefaultAsync. In this post, we'll explore why using FindAsync is the superior choice when seeking optimal performance for entity retrieval based on the primary key.

using var _context = new AppDbContext();
// Good
var employee1 = _context.Employees.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e=>e.Id==id);
// Better
var employee2 = _context.Employees.FindAsync(id);
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  • Specificity of Intent :

FindAsync is purpose-built for entity retrieval by primary key. It leverages the primary key information to perform a direct lookup, leading to more efficient queries. On the other hand, FirstOrDefaultAsync is more generic and might result in less optimized queries, especially when dealing with databases that support direct PK-based retrieval.

  • Efficiency in Query Execution :

When using FindAsync, the Entity Framework Core is aware that the query is a direct primary key lookup. This knowledge allows it to generate a more efficient SQL query, minimizing unnecessary operations. In contrast, FirstOrDefaultAsync may introduce additional conditions, impacting query performance.

  • Caching Mechanism :

FindAsync incorporates a local cache lookup before hitting the database. If the entity is already in the context, it avoids an unnecessary database query altogether. This can be a significant advantage in scenarios where repeated entity retrieval occurs within the same context, offering a noticeable performance boost compared to FirstOrDefaultAsync.

  • Caonciseness and Readability :

Using FindAsync signals the developer's intent explicitly: a direct lookup by primary key. This enhances the readability of the code and makes the purpose of the query immediately apparent. This clarity is beneficial for code maintenance and collaboration, contributing to a more maintainable codebase.


While both FindAsync and FirstOrDefaultAsync serve the purpose of entity retrieval, FindAsync stands out as the preferred choice when the primary key is available. Its specificity, efficiency, caching mechanism, and enhanced readability make it a powerful tool for developers striving for optimal performance in their .NET 8 applications.

In summary, when your goal is to retrieve entities using their primary keys, embrace the efficiency and clarity offered by FindAsync in .NET 8. Your code will not only be more performant but also more expressive and maintainable.

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