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How I became CTO in just a few years

Matthew on August 02, 2019

I'm not sure how to start about this, so let's go with the beginning. I've been in the webdev industry for just a few years and am the CTO of a sm...
kristijanfistrek profile image

Great article!

However, I would beg to differ regarding ,,it is possible to learn how to code in just a few weeks...''.

I certainly think it is, but it takes a much longer time to learn how to apply it properly and to the point where it is useful and functional in the long run. So care and time should be invested in order to gain a wider perspective and learn the best practices.
Just my two cents 😄

hahnmatthieu profile image


I sure agree with you, what I meant is that as a CTO I wouldn't fear recruiting someone who has just finished à BootCamp of 6 weeks for example.
Learning to write properly built code and projects sure needs more time and this comes with practice. I'm not there yet, I still have a lot to learn :-p

Thanks for your two cents :)

kristijanfistrek profile image

Totally on board with you buddy 🤘

notsag profile image
Maxime Gaston


Nice testimony and congrats on your first post!

I did start with a computer science two year course where I learnt the basis of algorithms and how to code in C, C++ and other cool stuff like that, but the teachers, at the time, kept telling us that being a developper was like being a the bottom of the food chain.

I started just the same and followed with engineering school afterwards. Unfortunately in France most teachers doesn't know the reality of the enterprises where students will work afterwards. And still a lot of enterprises favors diploma and age when really it's the skills and mindset that really matters.

I'm really glad for you that you had the guts to ask for what you wanted and had the opportunity to do it. And congrats on becoming CTO afterwards. Keep a good mindset and keep doubting in a healthy manner and I'm sure you'll be a good one!

hahnmatthieu profile image

Thanks for your message, it means a lot to me.

It's true that schools in France generally aren't connected to the real working world.

My next post will probably be on why I regret being CTO a little. The job is pretty cool, but they are some downfalls ;)

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

Do share your experiences about that
Nice post 👌🙌

adham_benhawy profile image
Adham El Banhawy

Hey man, thanks for sharing your experience.

Glad you found your passion in development, and advanced in your career relatively quick.

As a junior/intermediate dev myself I always wonder if I am at the bottom of the food chain. But I always have to remind myself that it doesn't matter as long as I love what I do.

Good luck on your journey and I hope you share any future insights!

hahnmatthieu profile image

Thanks for your message. Passion is very important to me, I would always put passion before knowledge or experience on my checklist for recruiting developers. 👍

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Welcome to the club Matthew! Very inspiring article; sounds like you have an exciting time ahead of you. I look forward to your next article!

papaponmx profile image
Jaime Rios

Hey, Matthew. Thanks for sharing your story with us.